is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Our days become nothing to be manipulated, because we always miss something. We cower like miserable dogs for paltry pittance in front of powerful, good-for-nothing little kings, stooge businessmen, crooked lawyers - and we miss something in every Deed.

    Because some secret element, some human attitude, some tolerant way of life, has been reduced to a missing link. It is in vain to try the donkey-ladder of prosperity, the sehonnai, bitang scholasticism of assertion, in vain to cajole, to mouth, to fight for it - if the Whole is already lacking much!

    Some privileged people may be content with privileged luxury dream suits, - the individual is missing something. They long in vain for a happier, settled, settled Existence - because Man, reduced to an animal, is missing something.

    We would plant the tiny spark of the All in your golden-hearted coffin, but the priceless star-eyes lack something. The World lacks humanity - Man lacks something.

    Should we start all over again? Come on! Why?! Words, promises have become infectious lies, unraveled Love-of-the-Universe prostituted by this sand-sleeping Age - helping hands of kindness only reach for benefits for victims in distress Never!
