The Discounted Heart
Ánchored in Reality
Destined to be defined
Manifesting in Lucid Tradgedy
Reclaiming back the rewind
Âmore is well: the word of the day
Abhorrently overused and tossled in such a way
Marked by the best beast and riddled with time
The minute hand strikes
Stomping this rhyme
Çlearly this heart must be for sale
It has been here so long
As if swallowed by a whale
Êxcitedly the spectators take heed
Provoking much dust
He picks up the organ
Rattling times discord of just
§oulfully it speaks to the hand that gave it a hold
I have waited here patiently
Just like I was told
Å´himsically he smiles
My child has knowone tried to buy?
Ýes too many Dear Father
They started to both Cry
Å´hat made you wait and
How did you know for sure
That I would arrive in this life
To retreive your mature
Until you took hold just now in your hand
I was never so sure of any other man
Just our Father above and he too said wait
When the time was just right
You would come to resuscitate
§cared and confused the onlookers mused
Ángelically the two Beasts fused
~~~~mixhelleann @ How WWIII was won cause well.........True Love Always Wins <3
I dedicate this to God the Father and to my Earthly Father <3