is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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     Who can be lulled to sleep by the snow falling like a feather-May he still be happy –  On my face the ice flakes also produce frozen tears! The snow of the executioner drips thickly through the grit of his judgment; I feel that wherever I may turn, the unstable ground beneath me could become a precipice! From behind snow-scaly laces, your cheery eyes fire at me because you hold me tight so I can feel immortal – you will never let me go!

    Between me and your simmering Swan figure, the devastating distance is growing! On my mournful eyelashes, there are icicles stabbing my soul-seeing soul! The killer snow will pour and slowly pour in! I would wrap your fragile petal body in a quilt, lest you catch a cold, to comfort me in my sorrowful blunders of fate! Your blossoming rosebud lips are softly searching the secrets of my shipwrecked chubby body; your tamed gaze is a wolf's eye in my face and smells! I could explore the universe with you!

    I would share my deep sea-bed soul with you, so that together we can cry out to the whole fullness as we can reach out to each other! Why am I thirsty for the depths of your existence? You are the soul-quenching thirst; a feeble heart that would embrace you and adores you bestowal! Your thirst, you know, will rise in me! I beg you to be here because I need your strong spiritual support! I can feel that I may be a sorrowful lack of existence only to be consumed by his selfish trials; shine forth to me in your flame of love!

    Two bursts of flame, life-shavings circling in my ever-desperate soul! You give me safe comfort!
