is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Nightmares come upon me many times, haunted, like stray ghosts waiting for midnight. One of them would already grab my sick, tachycardic heart, the other one would drag the tangled labyrinth network of capillaries into a convulsive, bumpy Wolf gujaj. At short circuits, my brain begins to glow into chronic pinches, while my gelatinous, disgusting sweating body vomits in a desperate embryo pose, seeking and demanding psychological shelter.

    Like a worthless, split-up speck of dust, I would be left alone, yet actively trying to live the agonizing cancer of my daily life. And many behave in such a way as to make unworthy and useless promises, saying, let this petty child-souled Fool hope a little, after all, even the House of Cards, which he believed to be solid, will eventually collapse. Squeaking like an ECG or a beeping Holter monitor, a few pumping blood vessels can be seen flashing, which would still suffocate, with excited greed, the millions of tiny oxygen spheres of tiny blood molecules.

    Tell me, you omniscient scientists? How long can you give a gift of life?! - I understand! I'm mortal! Now everything is still quiet, while my pearl sweat slowly rolls over my gasped skull, and later, perhaps, the heavenly powers have written in the Book of Fate: 'you will not be long - lived here on this pitiful mudtek!"But they say more and more that I should love a sweetheart with undying love and raise a child who is as scared and desperate as the father of an eternal child. Light the lights in my room. Half past four in the morning. I think it's time I made some coffee, ate some. My stomach, like a bribed frog, whispers. I am still listening to the heart knock out the quiet beats of extrasystoles in its own rhythm.
