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    I am now stratified by a cesspool of false interests and selfish bribes. Insistent, stubborn now sensationalist play, careerist, vain ambition,that among the blemish-mirrored faces who won stupider and more stupid awards can only be cool.

    And the little camp of holy fools and freethinkers, with a smile on their faces, will be trampled down easily if necessary. Dozed doubts also moved into the basic layers of bribed, brainwashed minds.

    The deliberately smoothed skin of every retro-light photo model was chipped, just like the false dialogue of looks and movements playing hide-and-seek.

    Exotic Swans in the shadows of delicate, grim divas are rare among themselves to fight like this. The dream of the beauties here is always at least an international success, and although the national public opinion is such that if the Immaculate rose gardens are damaged, they suffer a fall on the evidence of time, facelift as a second survival option is not a hundred percent solution everywhere!

    Beauty and beauty are no longer living in harmony. Rank Marke botox s collagen-adhesive. Mixed cut. On the established Panthon of spirituality, some testosterone-fueled, macho-Titans sit on the throne, while the fading intelligence is trampled in the mud.

    What the fertile human mind once wanted to create with performance intent and creativity is now being destroyed and destroyed intentionally by the crawlers and foot-caressers of that era! His thirst for knowledge draws from the spirits of Heralds and pseudo – prophets the desires of non-giving but possessive acts. Humility and experience these days is more of a waste of nothing – silly stumbling blocks guarantee the chance to advance to some of the more famous individuals. Sometimes the emergency computers go into nervous shocks!
