is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Because if only the treacherous eye was watching, the body still remained naked. If you are willing to notice the millions of tiny wandering spherical drops of mucus buzzing in the nervous system of the air, the harmonious balance of the soul also counts. Accompanied by instincts and the Universe, they click and rotate like magnetic gears in the moment of total annihilation. In the beneficial turbulence of the cells, as if in a strange hell, the self-explanatory ecstasy of pleasure derails in parallel screams: it burns beneficially to the thought of I love you and love.

    Newborn annihilations migrate beneficially from one molecule to another. Unexpected cause and effect strikes everyone at the same time. The forks and twigs of the clavicles stick out like a superstition, before they would grab hold like soft hooks in the tender flesh of the other body. - Through long, rich, vibrating eyelashes, she faithfully sweeps away the musty-smelling leaves of the spleen-smelling earthly sorrow; dreams, daydreams and desires are visibly openly discovered in the smoldering loyalty of his black eyes. The blushing sigh of joy uttered on her balmy lips is also the belt of Venus.

    Expensive despondency still lingers more and more benevolently, and the reveling, proud heart softens its love ballads softly, with a tuning fork. The harsh, sweet-smelling musicality of melancholia rarely matters anymore, when the unconditional, one-happiness rules with my milk power. The immortality of the moment exists and breathes hidden within itself, because there is no one who can grieve for it. - In the bed of winds lie two pairs of terns, while the busy geometry of Being is suggestive of cells. Who can feel where the realization can begin as a condition for mutual betrayal?!
