is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • To inaction

        All the set-aside melodies in the hesitant chalice of my heart are hissing; who knows the plans for uplifting, unknown minutes? As soon as the wide open star pair of cosmoses with its rich dawn light might just wink at me! - My heartbreaking heartbeat was already beating more and more anxiously; where could my chatter-stumbling escape journey have taken me if I couldn’t always be by my side?
        The eternal magic of stars is perhaps immortal bait? To my giving confession, Love can't bring written either?! Squat pulling his legs in the little boy's Hope! In my heart, the tense drum word haunted me if I could feel sorry for me, if at least I would call the fallen eternal child for her.
        Even today, with exile and insane determination, I want to believe in the perhaps eternal human Value of Friendship! Many times I have summoned the camp of my old and new acquaintances to be with me for a while longer; they will shake my hands, help me! Where did my precious words go? Promises squint has been replaced by a wide range of excuses and there has always been something cheaply done, and the action not to scold me, not to reach me!
        That’s why I tried to cling to the eyes of joyous deer that excited me; becoming a bubbling source, I gave Sincerity and appreciated the rich petal treasures of rare, exotic flowers in a self-sacrificing way! Buried, proud Hope! When will you wake up with me again so that I can look to my uncertain Future with confidence?!
