is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Tonight, Being gave birth to a double rainbow. While I ponder in the rocking silence, the Light is slowly fading away. Out there, what kind of joke Rodosto has the World created?! below, the peace of the night will be dense with colostrum above the rooftops, meanwhile, stirring cohesion and ethics into a philosophical question of existence, squeezed together in a strange flock. After all, everyone knows by now that the Empire is rotting, disintegrating, and soon it will disappear for good...

    Philosophy didn't help today either. Hide in the walls and wallpaper of your room. "I'm beautiful, I'm strong!" Repeat it, repeat it a hundred times a day. Maybe you yourself will believe the deaf, mind-numbing mantra and finally calm down.

    Get out of here like a fugitive. Talk to mirrors, your face will forever tremble like a wretched torso. The TV plays brainwashed propaganda, a virus paralyzes your brain, your laptop. A person who is alone always wanders in no man's land. The future, it's true, can never be made of stone, but every moment is made of wire.

    This is how you enter ever-expanding circles, drifting dangerously towards your future. Anyone who crosses the permeable gate of bargaining and promises is dizzy with the loss of a loser. Human consciousness: a secret locked behind a lock. It knows nothing but the existence of Being. If there is an afterlife of memories, then it can also be here on Earth, because there is only deaf Nirvana-darkness. It's not the last minute that will be difficult - it's the basic formula of having to do it!

    I never learned to position myself in situations or in manipulable relationships. Absence freezes me with its cold fog, since I only searched the depths of the damp earth.
