is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Captivated by unknowable possibilities

    Halfway between the unrecognized possibilities: stretched out in space and time, gilding careers, greedily demanding, violent movements, false-handed, hypocritical idolaters rule.

    Everyone here is both statuesque and brainwashed idiots. They smile and grin into the big world that says nothing, because they can imagine that knowledge and profit can be reached and bought at any time.

    It would be in vain to move bravely, recklessly as a news-teller, or a free-thinker, if he remained alone from the beginning, because he chose the persistent, stubborn solitude.

    This current decade has been rolling along for a long time. If there is one, nowadays everyone is taking risks or just gambling with their life in a cesspool.

    We stand facing each other in silence. Friend or foe, it goes on and on. Disillusioned hopes and promises exchange fake messages with each other. In the whirlwind of Time, everyone was reduced to pitiful wax dolls whom they could pull at will.

    Can the average self, as a self-sufficient personality, still faithfully and honestly preserve itself among false propaganda idols and nobody-celebrities?! Even the words that can be spoken are worn into bony hollows, and those who have long been stuck outside in the window ruins of their wretched little luxury life can't see anything from the real world.

    As swelling seeds growing from the earth, we should persistently argue with ourselves so that we don't lose the value of our one-time humanity. Even what official papers were issued about cannot succeed now, when the cohesion of pseudo-interests prevails.

    - Somewhere halfway between the unrecognized possibilities, everyone would be entitled to some secret, hidden grace and respect before the fatal hour of Death arrives prematurely!
