is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...


    We're mourning in America
    We have a right to grieve
    The level of his incompetence
    Is not to be believed
    We’re approaching four years in
    But what has he achieved?
    With a sense of permanence
    That sooner or later won’t leave

    We're mourning in America
    Because he’s so ill suited
    For the office that he holds
    I think he should be booted
    And I can’t help but lament the fact
    That our tax dollars have been looted
    When it comes to the pandemic
    The experts have been muted

    We're mourning in America
    Because we’re under a pall
    And his slow response to the Covid-19
    Is responsible most of all
    But he uses it as an excuse
    For the present economic stall
    And he’s in cahoots with those who say
    Where we go one go all

    We're mourning in America
    Take a look around
    Listen closely and you can hear
    That muffled drumming sound
    For the countless thousands
    Of loved ones in the ground
    That after suffering through hell
    We hope are heaven bound

    Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2020.  All rights reserved.
