is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...



    No matter how much I try to make you believe that you are always striving for the nobler, the better - The ruthless, brutal everyday pursuit takes you into a timeless frame. Cruel, diabolical chess games are now taking place on the tiny, mighty stage of the World, and you don't even know where your real, found place is!

    It would be nice to straighten out the labyrinths of Existence, which are often thought to be tangled, so that an irritated Minotaur does not chase you, rather you find your selfish and stubborn happiness with a Nymph. The compliments and romantic pretense that you used to believe in have become an abandoned nest in you; among the truest Angels, you can find the One-True if you dare, but - it seems - even he wasn't shy enough and left you alone.

    Deliberately taming achievable Himalayan heights, you always preferred to leave them to others, and you didn't mind if they skimmed the successes instead of you; after all, they were treated as Humans and not as beasts. What the embittered consciousnesses of long millennia have calculated and conspired against you as permanent thorns of pain, now it would be so good to forget everything and let Time heal your wounds. Your presence will sooner or later do the embarrassing, merciless work for you, just don't be afraid, don't get yourself excited unnecessarily: trust that it will be by your side

    Someone with whom you can guess from a single Apocryphal sign whether you are loved for yourself or just for your paltry material possessions! - And because deep down inside yourself, even now, you keep the image of a child crying and humming, you play your situation-dependent roles as a distorted-grotesque torso, so that you can see it and rather find out who you can trust forever and really!
