is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Doubtful deliberate obscurities

    Now, anyone who sees dimly or is just trendy blind and has neither acquaintances nor partners can accompany him to the other side, if necessary and necessary, where mazes of insidious heartbeats lurk and bald-headed skeanhead gangs run amok, and you don't know when the universal era of free robberies will end. , while grunting Harley Davidsons purr like big cats with asphalt-shredding trample wheels.

    Now, those who look vaguely or who only deliberately indulge in trendy fads do not see their life and path for what it is. You no longer see the selfless, helpful intention, nor the sense of belonging on the street or elsewhere. Neither empathy-tolerance nor the golden rule of basic friendships have been internalized.

    Everything is sneakily or sneakily slick and risky. With each passing day, tomorrow becomes more malleable in a tepid future crowded with uncertain promises. Now, anyone who sees or watches brainwashed propaganda just screams urine-smelling words from a throat full of hoarseness, rather sells himself as a bribe, and rather robs defenseless grandparents, mutilated innocent wreck victims for the scrawny hunger pangs.

    Well, just study, if you know even at any time when you are traveling on bumpy roads that even among alluring and false promises, there was always a new software or application that automatically helped your conscious digital nomad lifestyle, your intentional alienation!

    A single hard, pounding heartbeat can still be heard from somewhere. - Now, those who vaguely and weak-willedly see or play to their liking the tameable servant-fool in their momentary freeze can still catch a glimpse of the perishing Present. He slaps, when he hits, he hits himself in the brain, his brain is defiant and determined. All the doubts present in man are only defeated by Lack!
