is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...



    You were forced to live the life of ironers and leeches, and if you were forced to fail enough times like Sisyphus, you deliberately ran away from problems and troubles, because you knew for sure that sooner or later gigantic tests would overtake you; when the thief is mean, the brave is cowardly, or the beautiful virgin is dirty and provocative. It is more likely that your body is gnawing away at the smaller molecular cells of your body - prematurely -, while a small bacteria-worm from Alamusi is writing more than a million expensive prescriptions, saying: "Just take it calmly, see if it helps!"

    - You feel it in yourself, while you are struggling with total side effects, that you would rather sip ginger, garlic and lemon tea than easily down another toxic poison cocktail. - This current Sanda Hyena Era seems to have deliberately downgraded the complex things of the more sensitive, human soul.

    It is not yet known when the weak, weak body will lock up in its own cage-prison, and thus there may still be some time left for self-mutilation campaigns. Here on this earth - you'd better understand quickly - you can only be a passing guest and never a resident at home, and I wish you were as consciously, intentionally indifferent, brainwashed idiot as many people who can think that everything is fine as it is, and that little by little, even a kilo of black bread cost five thousand forints.

    The watered-down, low-lying language of the big city cannot appeal to you, because to your ears it may sound excessively degenerate, diabolical-provocative; you can deduce the bittersweet consequence; you are stuck outside of every Miracle of Life that has ever been given. Even eternal friendships have become more and more expensive, and because it is not right for anyone to bow down, beg, or simply beg, - the deliberately rewritten rules of the game, which you have been attached to and attached to since childhood, have changed a long time ago.
