is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Alone

    There was a boy who lives alone

    He likes his only toy and gazing the moon.

    He had no friends.

    But a toy and time to spend

    He always used to say 'I won't fear till my friend (toy) is near '

    He was very happy

    No one to care, to burden to beat.

    One night he went out to riven

    In cold night and everyone else would have shivered.

    He went there to play with his toy and to had a little joy.

    But suddenly a storm blew and taken his toy along.

    Boy shed into tears and all his glow is gone.

    He was crying, the moon stopped shining ✨.

    Then a man comes and said 'Don't cry, boy .storms will come and take will take joy.

    It is the first loss but

    life will take more than you think it cost '

    'Everyone you love will go and in this world, you will leave alone as I'm now.

    Life will take everything you had and leave you in a state of sad '.
