is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • I Missed That What Can I read it Again..

    I Missed that What'd It say!
    I missed something important at this moment..
    I missed it cause I didn't make time for it.
    I missed out on some poetic info.
    Why didn't I make time to read it Yo!
    Well it was a little too long,
    see I had to hurry on..
    I didn't come to stay too long.
    I assumed I'd read those posted poems another day.
    But I could have used it today, needless to say.
    I started to read but see my brain got all twisted.
    Scribble scrambled and so I dismissed it.
    Never knew later I could have benefited from it.
    Reading ummm it just drains.
    The brain.
    If you haven't given it time to unwind.
    And relax over time.
    That poem what did it say by the way?
    Something about love lost and love blue or I'm lonely with out you..
    I don't have a clue.
    How bout you?
    Well any who lazy brain
    Not gonna complain I'm gonna go chill in my own rain.

    I go back to reread that after a day or two.
    And yippety do.
    I found a band aid to cover my boo boo.
    In my heart, where I had a slight little scar, a tiny emotional tear.
    Well after reading that poem it placed a sweet band aid right on it there.
    I feel great and the weather is so fair.
    Reading never know what you may find and where.
    Well read that lengthy Poem or that short cute one.
    You never know what fun could come.
    Just don't over look that seemingly hard to read yawn yawn one.
    Focus my dear.
    Herein could lie such bright given ideas.
    Things to make one think so clear.
    'Listen never knew I'd get this 'I spit at death and kissed at life'
    ' choked out confusion' 'All the while caressing sanity'
    'I put my hands to the wheels of Destiny' While wearing the shoes of The Future'
    'That set my soul so free.
    Adding even more character to me.'
    See I got all those lines out of this heart of mine..
    After adding knowledge which is power to get wealth over time.
    And you know I almost missed it.
    All because I didn't want to read the whole of it.
    See I come in refreshed, ready, relaxed to give and receive.
    I dust off all the hurries,
    To see what blessings are here for self.
    What goodies are laying on the Poetic Shelf.
    I want to not be greedy and not give my thanks in a way that encourages another.
    Because If I encourage and share me it helps plant seeds for more to grow from others.
    Some water some plant we all grow and we all produce more.
    Come consume be watered take your time in the Poetic Store.

    By @H.E.R_SelinaSharday
