is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    I was born with the gift of song music in my Soul

    Strung from the Heavens above seemingly thrown to Sheol

    Where Chaos and Discord always had there way

    I would crank the tunes and ride the waves to drive the bad away


    Always playing music on whatever the occassion be

    Never was it ever fully understood till God put you before me


    Our meeting was quite accidential 


    Purposeful now I see


    You make all the music in this world

    Completely make sense to me


    It always had Rhyme you brought the rhythm

    It always had beat you brought the funk

    It always sang stories of love you made them live

    While shakin your junk 



    I was the song of Heaven waiting for my chord

    You strung my heart so epically 

    I proclaim thanks to Our Lord


    I even thank the Devil its okay ya see

    Only a true soul mate 

    Could love the hell outta me


    I am your muse 

    You are my living song

    Id die a million deaths again

    You are where I belong


    Maybe your the angel 

    I just cannot refuse


    As we sail on together

    I have to pause and Thank


    In every corner of the Universe 

    I will never again foresake


    My music man 

    My soul mate

    My Epic Chord striker

    It is on this Date


    Weve been to hell and back


    Always come out together


    You are my hearts Strom

    Saving me thru all Weather


    I love you just doesnt simply do

    I too would go to Hell time and again for you!!





    Dedicated to my Husband Randy J Ford on this Day November 19, 2020

    My music Man <3  Who made the music in me LIVE and my Heart on FIRE










