is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • The Battle Of Darkness and Light = Life

    Two armies stand
    Darkness and Light
    With weapons at hand
    They prepare to fight.

    Darkness fights for a simple reason
    The fun of chaos, troubles, and war
    They stir trouble, causing kingdoms to treason
    And making lives in pain roar

    Light fights for a simple reason
    To keep life orderly, civilized and well
    They strive to relax in seasons
    And in peace, they wish to dwell

    Darkness and Light
    Meet on the battlefield called Life
    They charge at one another ready to fight
    Each ready to bring down their knife

    Darkness had a dark chaotic presence around it
    While Light had a peaceful relaxing presence around them.
    With the clash of the armies swords, the sky was lit
    As they battled for the realm.

    Darkness pushes Light back
    Only to be repelled back as well.
    Fighting until there were body stacks
    Useless bloodshed, as many soldiers would tell.

    As the commanders met
    A truce was called
    For the commanders looked at the field with contempt
    The field was covered with bodies, a field that was once bald

    For in the realm of Life
    Darkness and its troubles will come
    But so will Light and its  happy moments with no strife
    Dark times and bright times, that's just how life runs.
