is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • profile

    Author: Dennis Parkhomenko



    The friend zone. 
    For those of you who dont know what it is
    Or dont know what its like.
    Its liking giving all of your heart away.
    Giving everything you have
    Every day of your life.
    Fighting to protect.
    Working to keep them happy.
    Striving to satisify
    Your loved ones desire.
    Trusting them with your deepest secrets
    Giving yourself to them.
    In the end, your heart is ripped out.
    By a few words...
    "He's just a friend"


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    Those eyes...

    Those eyes...
    Make me feel drunk
    As i stumble around
    Bound by your spell

    Those eyes... 
    So deep and profound
    I cant stop looking at them 
    There is no end to their beauty

    Those eyes... 
    Fill me with desire
    To change my life
    To be a better man

    Those eyes...
    Are captivating and empowering 
    I can be tied down and having my limbs cut
    I wont feel a thing, if im looking at your eyes

    Those eyes...
    Are what i see in my dreams
    And when i have nightmares
    Those eyes drive the darkness out

    Those eyes...
    Filled with mischeif
    Yet with kindness
    What magic is this?

    Those eyes... 
    Are what I pray to see
    Every day of my life
    Till the very last day.

    Those eyes...
    Those eyes...
    Those eyes...


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    She tells me...

    She tells me
    She wants to explore,
    To be free,
    To enjoy the thrill of life,
    To laugh at death's face.
    She tells me life is short.
    She tells me make the best of it.
    She tells me to move on.

    I guess I was never enough for her.


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    The Feel of Nature

    The feel of the wind.
    The rich mountain air.
    The sun peeking over the hill.
    The creatures playing.
    The feel of nature.


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    The Flowing Stream

    The flowing stream.
    Night falls,
    The sun rises,
    Yet it keeps flowing.
    A boulder falls,
    Blocking the stream.
    Yet it turns,
    And finds another path.


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    Atop my horse
    I look around
    Looking for the source
    Of that melodious sound

    I walk into a clearing
    And see a sight
    Of animals cheering
    As the birds rise in flight

    I call them back to sing
    And motion to resume
    The birds come and bring
    Music that makes me bloom


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    The fall of the leaves

    I sit out here
    Breathing in the fresh air
    With no fear
    My friend the bear

    Sat grumpy next to me
    Complaining how much he wanted to sleep
    He wanted to roam free
    But he ate so much he looked like a overweight creep

    I watch  the trees dance
    To the wind's gentle music
    As their branches seem to prance
    All in all its quite amusing

    I lift my head 
    As I catch a  cold gust of wind
    That makes me want to lie in my bed
    Yet brings rest to my mind

    The show of the wind and trees stopped
    And the sky turned dark
    And the relaxing time seemed to be blocked
    And the only sound was a goodbye from a fellow lark

    Once more I glanced at the trees
    And slowly went to sleep as I saw
    The tree's leaves
    Begin to fall and went to sleep in awe


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    A warriors song

    Hearken to me you filthy thieves
    Who prey on the weak
    You cowards who hide among the trees
    Come face my sword at this creek

    You shout your words
    Thinking they will hurt
    Yet you are no more than cowardly birds
    Who´s words are little more than a clump of dirt

    Come and try to fight
    Ill give you all a beat
    I promise you I wont hit light
    Come and get your treat


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    We sit behind this fire
    As we joke and laugh
    And as we gradually tire
    We went to sleep thinking of the wrath

    The wrath of war
    Soon morning came
    And we made our way to the shore
    As a slow rain

    Began dripping over our heads
    The older men grim 
    While the young ones excited to see the shore run red
    Suddenly a arrow struck the limb 

    Of a young man
    He cried out in pain
    To him I ran
    I said goodbye with my voice filled with strain

    We won that fight
    But with a price
    Knowing that some will never see the light
    Ever again for fate rolled its dice


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    Everything about you

    Everything about you
    How your smile lights up the room
    And to talk to you too
    Just makes my heart bloom

    Everything about you
    Just to look at your face
    A world comes bright as blue
    As we dance on this base

    Everything about you
    How your hair winds
    In the clear air, and I sit with a great view
    This is love defined


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    Definition of love

    Many people ask about love
    And wonder what it is
    And here it is quite simple.
    Love comes like a dove
    When you least expect it
    Carrying a message of joy
    Think of it this way
    Just to look at your loved one makes your heart soar
    And to be with each other
    You think you need nothing else
    Just to sit and talk makes your love roar
    You and your loved one can do as you see fit
    Always together
    Through the thick and thin
    And cherish every moment
    And love each other forever
    And if this can be related to just a little 
    Count yourselves lucky
    And care for one another
    And dont let your love go brittle


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    Sea of Stars

    They say the sea lies below you
    But listen to me
    For a sea bright and true
    Rests above the trees

    Morning comes like a bird
    A view truly great
    Sounds of the sea like a guitar´s cord
    While at the shore waves break

    Looking down across the vast sea
    As ocean creatures jump out
    And birds fly free
    A beautiful sight without a doubt

    Night arrives like a knight on a horse
    Bright and shining
    As the wind goes about its course
    While eerily crying

    Looking up at the vast sea
    Of stars filled with animals dancing
    And falling stars like eagles landing on a tree
    And the day ends quite enchanting


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    Rain and Tears

    As I watch the rain pour 
    Grief claws at my heart
    Yet my face remains impassive
    As I feel a sudden pain in my core

    As realization hits
    That she is gone for good
    Tears pour down my face
    With my heart ripped to bits


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    Tears are like ice

    Tears are like ice
    If you think about it
    We can hold back tears
    Like ice stays cool, its quite nice

    But when another problem hits
    Your tears will fall
    Like ice with heat
    Even the strongest will lose their wits


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    Waste of Breath

    It seems like we were together
    Just a second ago
    As a few words I spoke rang through my mind
    "Dont worry, we''ll be with each other forever"

    Now that I think
    Of those words,
    Just a waste of breath
    As she was gone in a wink

    What happened, I dont know
    Happened so fast
    Now left alone
    In the company of a crow


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    I had a dream
    About a girl
    We were happy together
    And her face seemed to beam

    Time passed 
    And one misty morning
    She stood at my front door
    And left me with no time to even rasp

    Suddenly I awoke
    To a loud knocking sound
    There the girl stood in the mist
    And left leaving me feel broke.


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    It seemed like we were a good pair
    How happy we seemed to be
    Until that fateful afternoon
    She left me without a care

    Almost mockingly she ran away
    While laughing at me
    Like a bullet to the heart
    She  left me like a stray.


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    The moon shown onto the street
    Like a spotlight, as me and her stood
    And her smile split the night
    As we danced gracefully on our feet


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    Last thing I saw

    Shot by a gun
    I fell to my knees
    Gasping for breath
    I blacked out with a grunt

    Hours later, I woke up
    With fragile hands clasping mine
    Her face was covered in tears
    As she told me I was her luck

    I smiled at her sounding wise
    Keep me in your heart I said
    And the last thing I saw was her face
    As mist clouded my eyes


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    Music in the woods

    Some say the woods are silent
    Actually, they are quite violent
    Listen closely you will hear
    Songs sung without fear.
    The singing of the birds
    Music with no need of words
    The trees dance with the wind under the music
    Somehow, its quite amusing
    The crickets like politicians constantly bicker
    For sure you've never heard something speak any quicker
    The ants sing their marching song
    As they work all day long
    And the stream flows all day
    And gurgles in an amusing way
    As fish play tag and splash in the stream
    Come and join us in this wonderful realm.


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    A wish to change time

    Sitting on my bed
    I stared blankly ahead
    With pain in my heart
    Like a bulls-eye shot with a dart
    I frantically grabbed my clock
    And started changing time with no luck
    If only I could turn back time
    I would make sure I made everything fine
    I would take back the words I said
    I would always be there for her to rest her head
    But no matter how much I changed the time
    Nothing changed, she was no longer mine


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    Black and white to color

    I lived seeing black and white
    Never really taking joy
    In anything I do
    I never knew something that was bright

    Till I stumbled upon a most curious girl
    She skipped to me an took my hand
    And smiling at me I was filled with joy
    As my head began to twirl

    Ever since Ive looked at everything new
    Everything having such design
    And vivid with rich color
    As my happiness grew


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    A call unanswered

    I know she's gone
    And it's all my fault
    I said something I regret
    But dont get me wrong

    I wasn't thinking when I talked
    Now I sit here with a phone
    Calling and calling her
    The calls unanswered, my hopes are blocked


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    Greatest Mystery

    The greatest mystery
    In my mind
    Is how I became 
    The luckiest man in history

    Out of all the people that exist
    She fell in love with me
    Eyes glittering, hair flowing, smile shining
    How could I resist?

    Out of everyone she found me
    The boring awkward man
    I transformed and became happy
    No longer "me" but "we"


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    Fingers Crossed

    Holding hands we dash through the alley
    Laughing as we run
    Panting we slowed down
    And stood together in a open valley

    Slowly so slowly we kissed
    With our fingers crossed
    Wishing the moon wont tell what it saw
    And that we would be missed


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    The challenge of a poet

    For a poet inspiration can come
    And you can keep on writing
    Without any troubles
    But every poet faces this and it isn't fun

    As soon as you finish writing
    You begin to think what to write about
    As you go knock your head on some wall
    And with your mind you keep on fighting


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    No more  sunny days
    The days have flew away
    And no longer do we feel
    The bright sunny rays

    Now every morning I step outside
    And the cold bites my body
    And the wind tears at my face
    This cold, I cannot abide


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    Where have the youthful days gone
    I stumble about  searching 
    But cannot seem to find
    The bright days are now gone for long
    Why have the youthful seasons gone away
    Slipped through my grasp
    As hurriedly they flew
    Alas the path to youth is no longer a way


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    I had a photo of her
    A picture truly priceless
    Her face usually so clear
    Now because of tears it´s just a blur

    Ive treasured this photo for a while
    But now its ripped up on the floor
    And soaking up my falling tears
    For no more will your phone number be dialed


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    A cry of help

    To the end of my days
    To whom do I call to
    Who comes to my aid
    And forgives my sinful ways

    Who is with me
    When I cry out for help
    Who grips my hand
    And listens to my pleas

    My Savior and King
    Who took my cross and died
    Yet rose three days later
    And victory he brings


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    What is poetry?

    Poetry. Ah, what a wonderful thing
    Like a calm stream, the words flow 
    Hearing or reading, we are under its spell
    Forever and ever, in my head it will sing


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    A wish to fly

    Looking up to the sky,
    I see a eagle soar.
    Soaring over the land,
    While giving a piercing cry.

    Yet here I stand,
    So far below.
    While I get an idea
    That is far from bland

    Flying over the land,
    Watching streams trickle,
    Down into the valley
    Surrounded by mountains, who boldly stand

    Flying over the land, 
    I see the trees dance with the wind
    To the majestic music 
    Of the bird band

    Flying over the land,
    Is quite impossible
    But all in all
    An idea still grand


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    Song of a ship

    Listen now lads and lasses
    To the song
    Of a fierce gal
    Who travels not on grasses.

    Listen now to its hum
    As it races down the deck
    Listen now to the deadly
    Beat of the war drums

    Listen to its cannons now
    Which fire death to all
    Listen now to the cries
    Of those who did not bow

    Listen now to me
    Face not the Scourge of the sea
    Instead hear this plea
    And hurriedly flee


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    For the soldiers

    Listen one and all,
    Gather round this cozy house
    That we may rest in
    Safe from deaths call

    Yet out at the battle 
    Lie wounded and dead
    Who bled and fought
    So we wont hear death's rattle

    Who said freedom is free
    Out there soldiers fight
    Knowing death might come 
    But for us they do not flee.


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    Her words...

    Was it all a dream?
    Did I hear a stream?
    Was I at a ships helm?
    Was I strolling through a magical realm?

    Wherever I was
    My heart felt a buzz
    As I heard some words
    Soar like majestic birds

    Was it a war?
    My heart was struck to the core
    Some soft words that swept through me
    And left me with a feeling of glee

    Whatever the feeling
    I knew it had a meaning
    As to whose words they were
    The face I saw, was just a blur.


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    Love is a mystery...

    Love is a blessing
    Two people made one
    Happy ever after it seems
    All in all quite impressing

    Love is a curse
    You cant stop thinking of them
    You long to be near them
    Your heart is broken, there is nothing worse

    Love is simple
    Like black and white
    Or blue and gold
    Your love glitters like a crystal

    Love is a mystery
    No one can understand
    It hangs over us
    Since the beginning of history


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    Love is cruel

    Love is cruel
    Without a doubt
    There is nothing 
    That can be more brutal

    Love will knock you down
    Strangle you, make you gasp for breath
    You cry out on your knees
    Love laughs, as you slowly drown

    Finally, love lets us to our feet
    And gives a warm embrace
    Then shoves you down again
    And gives another beat

    The pain is bad
    Yet, we all go for love
    Knowing what can happen
    Perhaps, we are all a little mad


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    She is a burden

    She is a burden I carry
    All her worries and troubles
    Add to the number of mine
    I worry so much, it is quite scary

    She, herself, is something I carry
    I think about her day and night
    As she whispers in my head
    With a voice, as sweet as a berry.

    Her troubles, and all she goes through bad or merry
    Are a part of me
    And yet the pain of hers I carry
    Is nice, our love Is a burden I like to carry


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    I am kindle, she is a flame

    I am not easy to light 
    And yet when I first saw her
    I began to warm
    Slowly,  as our love took flight

    The touch of her hand
    The sound of her voice
    The wind in her hair
    And her personality grand

    It is not my fault
    I burst into flames
    Because of someone like her,
    Who lights up my heart's cold vault


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    She conquers with ease...

    I am a soldier
    A man who is cold and fierce
    I laugh at trouble and danger
    There are little people that are bolder

    I have seen a lot
    Yet nothing like this
    A maid strides gracefully
    Through the battle field without a thought

    Amazed, I watch and see
    As her hair flows
    As her voice sweet and delicate rings out
    And my heart is filled with glee

    Her voice, character and looks
    Are more effective
    Then any weapon I've seen
    Her movements more graceful than brooks

    How cruel of my foe
    To send her to me
    She conquered me with ease
    She has laid me low


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    What magic is this?

    I do not believe in magic
    But this is something 
    I've never seen before
    It may or may not be tragic

    How can a single look
    Make me fall under her spell?
    I cant stop looking for her
    She stole my heart...What a crook!

    How can she mess with my heart?
    I feel anxious, glee and surprise all at once
    Whether this is a curse or a blessing
    I can only find out, if I let it start


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    Her breath

    In the cold air
    We stood together
    Hand in hand
    We were quite a pair

    Her sharp exhales 
    Released small clouds
    As she stood smiling
    Then slowly walked away

    I watched her walk away
    I tried to follow
    Yet a glass wall appeared
    Making me stay

    I cried out to her
    She walked back toward me
    Smiled, and breathed
    Clouding the glass, she left as a blur


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    This is who we are...

    We are a pair
    Do we need to pretend
    That we are something we are not?
    Why should we care?

    Let us ignore what others think
    I love you, you love me
    Lets keep this simple
    Or in our pretending, we will sink

    This is who we are
    No need to pretend
    You and I together
    Make the brightest star


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    Why is it that whatever i do
    Wherever I go
    Whatever I say
    Im always thinking about her

    I cant sleep at night
    I roll around in bed trying to get her out
    When I fall asleep
    I see her in my dreams as i try to fight


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    She is like the sun, moon and stars!

    No one else lights my days
    Not a single shadow
    Just a world of color and light
    My heart burned stronger than hay

    No one else fills my nights
    She stands shining down
    As all glimmers and sparkles
    Inside, she started many fights

    No one else makes me think
    She is different like the stars
    And bright in every way
    In this together we will sink


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    Only you and me!

    Only you and me
    We need no one else
    Under the blazing sun and blue sky
    Together, we can flee

    Anyone who gets in the way
    We will knock them down
    Nothing stands before us
    When our love is as hot as a suns ray

    The world may ruin and crumble
    Yet I have you
    You have me
    With our love, we will never stumble


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    Love as a rose

    Our love is like a rose
    Blossoms and stands bright
    As all admire the pleasantness
    As we sway, to the winds blows

    Yet winters come
    The flowers dies
    No strength to stand
    No life left for it run


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    Her smile radiates warmth

    Its the middle of winter
    Its supposed to be cold
    Yet for some reason
    Im sweating like a sprinter

    Temperature is freezing
    With plenty of snow
    Yet for some reason
    I feel warmth that is pleasing

    And all she did was smile at me
    And winter suddenly ended
    And spring hurriedly arrived
    She has warmed me, I am filled with glee


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    She shames nature

    Her voice sings out
    As the nightingales stand
    In awe and astonishment
    Their own skill they begin to doubt

    Gracefully she can walk
    Step by step
    Even the elegant deer
    Look like bundling fools in shock

    Her eyes glow brighter than the stars
    And sparkle like morning dew 
    Her cheeks and lips
    Are redder than roses and Mars


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    She sure knows how to dance...

    Right and left and left and right
    Over and over to jolly music
    I was never a good dancer
    Yet my hearts pumping as if in a fight

    We dance quick 
    In continuous circles
    My heads spinning
    Her dance moves are slick

    After a while I get tired
    So I let her dance alone
    She gracefully leaps away with my heart
    Now I realize, she was all I desired


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    A sense of belonging...

    I know how a magnet works
    But never before
    Have I seen such a pull
    To find out where love lurks

    I took a blind fall
    Into the unknown
    And there I saw her
    And I knew I had a new call

    It seemed like I forgot
    About everything before 
    And didn't care about after
    I wanted to stay and give it a shot

    We all learn in different ways
    I learned how magnets work
    By having a sense of belonging
    To be with someone to the end of my days


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    Love is a song!

    Love is a song
    It has many twist and turns
    And has many different genres
    True loves a song that has no wrong

    Whether slow or fast
    Whether upbeat or classic
    Love played before and still plays
    And loves a song that's easy to grasp


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    Will we ever be back together?

    Life is filled
    With many questions
    And one especially
    Has my heart killed

    I realize I was stupid
    I had many mistakes
    It was my fault
    Now, I ask for Cupid

    Will we ever enjoy the weather?
    Will we ever dance slowly?
    Will we ever sing our favorite song?
    Will we ever be back together?


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    Be Mine

    I have no fame or riches
    I come with empty hands
    Myself, I offer you
    Though fate turns and hisses

    Be mine, be mine 
    I cry desperately
    My voice drowning in the wind
    As fate, draws the line

    I try over and over
    To pass the line
    With no change
    I'm left lying in a field of clovers


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    Our Mystical Game

    Step by step
    We strode
    Hand in hand
    We held close
    Into the clearing
    We gracefully leaped
    We stared
    At one another
    And began dancing slowly
    The sun started rising
    Lighting the night's dew
    So the light glared
    As if it were a spotlight
    We danced
    The best we could
    The woodland creatures
    Came and watched
    The two of us ignite
    The birds landed
    And sang a cheerful song
    We danced until
    We could no more
    As the creatures applauded
    This night was left branded
    On us two
    We laid on 
    The clearing's floor
    Looking at the sky
    We were meant for each other
    This we knew


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    She is there, when no one else understands...

    Many days
    Ive been questioned
    Why I do things, the way I do
    Along with a disappointed gaze

    Sometimes it feels
    I can't do anything right
    Sometimes it feels
    No one care for my appeals

    Always she is there
    She will always understand
    One true love is someone
    Who understands you, trust me, thats rare


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    She alone Is all I need, She is more than the world.

    I no longer need
    To think what to write
    You, just you
    Is all I need
    The core of my poems
    The song that endlessly plays
    Your voice
    Sweeter than nectar
    Your eyes 
    Brighter than the stars
    Your laugh
    Like the sun
    Breaking through a rainy day
    Your smile
    Fills me 
    With inner happiness
    Your hand
    So soft
    Yet reassuring
    Your very being 
    Is the greatest mystery
    You being yourself
    Makes me want to be with you
    To the end of my days
    Your very presence
    Makes my heart skip a beat
    With you by my side
    I feel
    Most importantly,
    No poem
    No song
    Will ever be able 
    To show how much you mean to me
    For you alone are all I need


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    Lost in Love

    Whether stranded
    On a forbidden Island
    Or stuck on a spaceship
    In the middle of space
    I dont take this love for granted
    Without you
    I would slowly die
    Thinking about you
    You all are I need
    On this Earth, or into space
    I am lost in our love
    Love that is true


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    Through the thick and thin...

    Tasks seem impossible at times
    Yet when I think of you
    Those reassuring eyes
    That confident smile
    Makes me pull through
    The thick or thin
    With you by my side
    True love will win.


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    Her words are like poetry...

    Her words are like poetry
    They flow so softly
    Her voice is relaxing
    Every word flowing
    Like a calm stream
    Flowing continuously
    So peaceful, yet strong
    Every word, warming
    Like a cozy fire
    Which you long to be near
    In the dead of winter
    Every word, almost singing
    Like birds who greet
    The rising sun
    Her words are like poetry...


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    Poetry, what a mystery...

    What a powerful tool
    It flows smoothly
    Like a river
    Yet after a while
    Even the sturdy rocks
    Slowly break apart
    Seeming so innocent
    Yet with a few lines
    Has my heart captivated
    And I yearn for more and more
    Can be so beautiful
    Yet so dark
    Telling wondrous stories
    Or horrendous tales
    Seems to be forgotten at times
    Yet it only lurks in the dark
    Waiting to be discovered
    Waiting to make a change
    What a mystery


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    A Love Forged

    Our Love
    Has been forged
    From the hottest hardships
    From the strongest materials
    Of faith, trust, hope, and joy
    We are now
    The strongest item
    That no sword can pierce
    No ram can batter
    Come what may 
    Our love forged
    Will stand strong


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    Love always returns...

    How many times
    I've tried putting duty 
    Before persistent love
    And all for nothing

    How many times I fail
    Cause chaos, fatal mistakes
    and ignoring love completely
    Yet it keeps coming

    I want it, 
    But throw it to the rocks
    And like a weed
    It bursts through

    From the very beginning
    The battle was lost
    Because love...
    Love always returns


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    The Simple Dream

    The simple dream
    That dances in my mind
    Every night.
    The simple dream
    That prances
    Through my day.

    That simple dream
    Wanting nothing more
    Than to love
    And be loved.

    That simple dream
    To have a roof 
    Over your head
    To have food and drink
    On your table

    The simple dream.


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    The Battle Of Darkness and Light = Life

    Two armies stand
    Darkness and Light
    With weapons at hand
    They prepare to fight.

    Darkness fights for a simple reason
    The fun of chaos, troubles, and war
    They stir trouble, causing kingdoms to treason
    And making lives in pain roar

    Light fights for a simple reason
    To keep life orderly, civilized and well
    They strive to relax in seasons
    And in peace, they wish to dwell

    Darkness and Light
    Meet on the battlefield called Life
    They charge at one another ready to fight
    Each ready to bring down their knife

    Darkness had a dark chaotic presence around it
    While Light had a peaceful relaxing presence around them.
    With the clash of the armies swords, the sky was lit
    As they battled for the realm.

    Darkness pushes Light back
    Only to be repelled back as well.
    Fighting until there were body stacks

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    Lost in the Past, the Present and the Future..

    I stand bewildered 
    How everyone knows 
    What to do with their lives.
    I look at my past.
    Like a blade, all the regret, and guilt
    Pierce my heart.
    I look at my life in the present
    Clueless with what to do,
    Struggling to keep up with the rest.
    I don't see my future
    No career ideas,
    Afraid for the relations with  friends and family
    Hoping to remain close
    As the years pass by.
    Lost in the past.
    Lost in the present.
    Lost in the future.


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    Ring... Ring... Ring... No answer

    She doesn't pick up.
    Ding... Ding...Ding
    She doesn't open the door.
    Splat... Splat...Splat
    The rain soaks me head to toe.
    My tears fall.
    Thinking... Thinking...Thinking
    I see our happy moments
    I hear her laughing voice.
    I stand waiting in the rain
    Not wanting to admit
    That she is gone.


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    The Sojourner

    The feeling of no gravity 
    Fills me with adrenaline.
    Our captain calls us to our seats and we the crew race.

    We approach the flourishing moon.
    Landing always a dangerous action.
    One wrong move and our ship is torn apart
    We brace for impact as we aim for a sand dune.

    Thankfully, the landing went well.
    Our shuttle's door automatically slides open
    And we step out
    And the moon's beauty captures us like a spell.

    We laugh as we roll down the sand
    And stumble upon the moon's inhabitants laughing at us
    Joining the chorus of laughter we make our way to their city.
    Walking, we saw the moon far from bland

    A strange creature approaches us
    Feathery and scaly at the same time
    It howls a strange cry at us and distracted us
    Until our ride arrived, the city's bus

    After thorough convincing, I fin...

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    They tell me it makes you stronger
    It's hard to believe when it hurts so much.


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    Scared of Life

    I like to believe
    That I am fearless and wild.

    The truth is
    I'm scared of the reality of life.
    Oh, how I wish I would stay a kid forever!


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    Rock Bottom

    They say hitting rock bottom 
    Is the best place to be
    Best place to start again.
    I hope that's true,
    Because I took a leap of faith
    And I missed.
    Now I'm falling.


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    Felt So Real...

    A sweet laugh
    Fills me with glee.
    The mischievous teasing
    Causing color to rise to my cheeks.
    The soft yet assuring hand
    Holding my hand.
    The light kiss on my cheek
    Making my heart soar.
    When she leaves
    Im impatient to see her again.
    Suddenly I wake
    Confused whether it was a dream or not.
    All I know is
    It felt so real.


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    Your Fault

    This is your fault that I
    I miss you
    I want to kiss you
    Hug you
    Laugh with you
    Comfort you
    Share my day with you.
    Always think of you
    Pray for you
    Suffer for you.
    Be with you...
    Hoping that you feel the same way!!!

    My life will never be normal again.
    And its all your fault.


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    Our little game

    She keeps acting hard to get
    I pretend to not care
    We both know this love is rare
    Yet we cant bring ourselves to admit it yet


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    End of the Tunnel

    I see no light at the end of the tunnel
    Walking with the pain of life weighing me down.

    I see no light at the end of the tunnel
    Walking with anger, sadness, depression and embarrassment.

    I see no light at the end of the tunnel.
    Walking aimlessly in the dark.

    I saw no light at the end of the tunnel.

    Then you came in, and changed my life
    I now see a bright light at the end of the tunnel.


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    Over and Over

    They say if you replay
    The same thing over and over
    It will drive you crazy
    Well I disagree.

    For I have been replaying
    The first time I held her hand
    The first time she put her head on my shoulder
    The first time she kissed me
    The first time she said, "I love you!"
    I have watched the moments over and over.
    Yet I still cant get enough of it



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    Cold nights
    Long fights.
    Despite all weve gone through
    I guess our love... wasnt true
    I wonder what your thinking
    Because right now, i just feel like drinking
    I know drinking wont change anything
    But at least briefly, I forget everything
    So whether you're over me or not
    My battle is yet to be fought
    I wish for happiness in your life
    Because right now, mines filled with strife
    So pursue your ambitions
    While I fight my last mission
    I just want you to know I love you
    And I pray that you'll think of me too.


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    She changed me

    The person who I am now
    Would have hated the person I was
    I have you to thank for that, so take a bow.
    I lacked so much inspiration in my life
    Then you came, and removed all my strife
    Now i want to do more and be better
    Im no romantic, yet here im writing a letter
    A letter of gratitude for the joy uve given me
    Held by chains of loneliness, i am now free
    Gave me a reason to live, filled me with fire
    Im changing, for you are my only desire.




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    Not believing.
    Long fights.
    Sitting with no lights.
    Trying to fix what we were
    All the good times now a blur.
    Like a broken puzzle set
    In desperation we tried to get
    The missing pieces of our love
    Yet they hurriedly flew like doves....
    Slowly this darkness fades away
    My mind returns, instead of going astray
    I thought it was a nightmare
    But I turned to hug you, and you wernt there


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    Take my hand
    Lets run away
    Sing together as if we were a band
    People will say weve gone astray
    But who cares what they say
    Because together we will thrive
    And nothing will stand in our way
    And for stronger love we will strive
    Kissing under the stars
    Hoping the moon wont tell
    Of our love that cant be held behind bars
    Together we rose and together we fell
    So with me live an exciting life
    And be my wife
    For we will
    Laugh till our sides hurt
    Kiss till our lips hurt
    And live our lives to the fullest


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