is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • pay attention...

    life is a gambling, challenging place
    it all gets done at your very own pace
    you can glide and go quietly smooth
    but there are pitfalls and so much to loose
    stick it, turn it, make a jumble and mess
    what may come out is much more... not less
    talk tough,  move easy with style and grace
    people will know and respect your place

    with passion and purpose things get in disarray
    adversaries ready to proclaim touché
    battles so fervent, plentiful and terse
    around the next corner what is coming is worse
    like the crystal skies that usher past a storm
    all is made calm and will return to norm
    stay focused on how to get it all done
    because you'll always be doing it while on the run
