is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Poetry

    Self-labeling issues

        Long-lasting questions are still straining and pushing My Soul - my nightmarish evenings are being ruined! I must see the steps of my struggling days to come in vicious series; to my watchful eyes appear in immortal times, in times of a millennium, the immortal memories of strange people whom I already judge forever!
        Although they have often joked and chased me away - my willful plans have driven me into thoughtful thoughts and wherever I am my selfish creativity will not let me down! Indeed! It is evolving and multiplying! "I would be anxiously waiting for secret telepathic signs with which my beating-beating heart could loyally address Someone as long as there was growing anxiety about others in my heart attack!"
        My day is already hiding things: Behind the horror of the Question, the suicidal dis...

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    A Saint,
    walked on earth,
    Centuries ago,
    before entering the gate,
    helping on ships,
    it was so
    Sailing treacherous,
    rough waters,
    reviving the sick,
    Imprinted in the,  
    memory strip,
    touching on land,
    at the end of a trip 
    Now awake,
    after seeing the full,
    still performing duties,
    full circle trip

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Decent Human ?

    Were the words that were said to me as  I was told to leave

    Always on the run fuck this heart on my sleeve




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    this way and that...

    I am completely aware that water is heavier than air
    fish swim, birds fly... each in their special atmosphere
    roads can turn in random ways
    evening's light strolls slowly... ending days
    cats nip on catnip and dogs bark and scratch 
    a much wiser person can be an unequal match
    shoes fit best when they are the right size
    every sea that dips will in short time rise
    eloping with a sexy lady
    some might look upon as being a bit shady
    cows seem disinterested when giving milk
    worms even more so... when spinning silk
    lumberjacks don't trifle when in the woods
    merchants are vexed when underpaid for their goods
    coins that jingle in your pocket
    are no match for the roaring rocket
    you can be fooled when not paying attention
    and jump at a chance at the slightest mention
    gymnasts tumble and flip out with ease
    some of your best people do whatever they plea...

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    pay attention...

    life is a gambling, challenging place
    it all gets done at your very own pace
    you can glide and go quietly smooth
    but there are pitfalls and so much to loose
    stick it, turn it, make a jumble and mess
    what may come out is much more... not less
    talk tough,  move easy with style and grace
    people will know and respect your place

    with passion and purpose things get in disarray
    adversaries ready to proclaim touché
    battles so fervent, plentiful and terse
    around the next corner what is coming is worse
    like the crystal skies that usher past a storm
    all is made calm and will return to norm
    stay focused on how to get it all done
    because you'll always be doing it while on the run


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    à plus tard...

    what purview do you have left for me
    my words, limbs or what I see
    you've debased and taken all and more
    now am I to be mopped across the floor

    once with tender and caring concern
    like an eternal flame that would forever burn
    doused now with trinkets one by one
    all that was cherished now blatantly undone

    this journey to nowhere was never known
    our blindness so complete and never shown
    all those efforts, dance, art and song 
    where crafted to make us permanent and strong

    you said it your way, I mine
    unholy they became in our faltering shrine 
    now a deep and distant haze 
    thankfully softens the sorrow in our days


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    man o’ live

    a full closed hand thumbed and gripped
    mankind's power uniquely equipped 
    casting buildings into the clouds
    monumental gestures covered in shrouds

    force wars to quell interim lust
    make impervious machines unable to rust
    forge landscapes that snarl the mind
    heal the masses, undone... left behind

    irrigate parched places, seed an endless reserve
    patch brains, restore heartbeats and spark a nerve
    watch plainly with those modern eyes
    miracles and wonderment bereft of surprise

    hook up, make links, connect and make small
    all what has come, once so mighty and tall
    the click and clack and smooth vibrato
    sinewy synergies and pounding staccato 

    do it, done it, here and there, then and now
    what stuff, what things... take a bow
    cross your legs, unfurl your hearts, embrace the stars
    for soon, it will all be coming to you from Mars


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    those weeds!!!

    can we humans be more like weeds
    grow abundantly... with little needs
    sprout boldly from the smallest crack
    reach skyward always... never looking back
    thrive miraculously where well cared friends wither
    yet flourish side by side with a hint to come hither
    stand ruthlessly against mans' herbicides
    or chopped to the root and cast aside

    our petals and leaves we open wide to all
    though not invited ours is... a grand sprawl
    with fine frons and feathery wisps
    our sturdyness does not engender idle quips
    we bend and sway in the mightiest torrent
    with roots so deep... some find us abhorrent
    but all and all... in all of our landscapes
    there is a just place for man, plants and apes


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    poets... know it...

    there are in this place so many words
    of wonder, regret, unbounded faith and hope
    resilience and surrender... so much piety
    and lust.... forgiveness and grace

    they all fall perilously to their fields of purity
    and offer the readers eye a ballet of sumptuous
    journeying to all places remembered not
    yet known... some simply discarded

    ever sure we may get tripped up we
    scale these walls these monuments of 
    other worlds and ways of navigation
    in plain anticipation of revelation

    or confirmation... how did I do that
    would I do that, can I say that 
    how rich and clever or demonically
    unnerving or so delicate an array of

    consonants and vowels stringing
    along our hearts our minds
    our landscapes our escapes
    our bodies... our homes our desires

    park your dreams steady your
    innards zip your pants
    tidy your workplace... m...

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