is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Dreamy transience      

        When the eternally endowed Human Spirit, once gifted with Immortality, may have believed that human light, blazing in a halo tense in deer eyes, is not merely a product of combustion — but the eternal moment of the fillable, sanctified Universe; training in a living fire with two Sighs of the Spirit so it can boil budding into One! A graceful fever-lily stretches a pulled-out petal and as a nerve rises and what remains immortality Prometheus will be born!
        It spreads from my little boy's face, cherishing a melancholy orphan; unquenchable, pure Flame then He became! My trickled panting head sweated like a pearl-mouthed sweat like the blink of Damocles' blade! Our fingers spread hesitantly apart in the captivity of our bodies: we smuggled lively stuttering words of compliment into each other's honeyed lips!

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    Ominous Walls

    You stand around me,
    See everything behind me,
    and speak through me.

    But I stand beside you,
    See you,
    and fail to voice my affection.

    Intoxication is the ghost
    that haunts your senses.
    Despondency is the ghost
    that haunts mine.

    They build strongholds around you,
    making you immune,
    But they use my Material
    to build them.

    My only panacea
    Is to lock mySelf away,
    medicate my senses
    and Stay.


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    Cleanse of Spirit

    Ghost, spew vapor.
    Hidden truths,
    on paper.
    For no one to read later.

    Ghost, fly high.
    feet dangle,
    movements shy.
    No one yet wonders why.

    Ghost, don't falter.
    for someone might find
    your shelter.
    You know better.

    Ghost, keep searching,
    but you'll never find
    this earthling.
    Soul churning.

    Holy water is boiling.
    Steadfast, you're burning.
    Strongholds melting.
    Figure falling.
    Vapor erasing.


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    Beacon hope and, 
    safe haven
    Glimmer light,
    over coast, 
    islands and,
    harbor maiden,  
    different shapes,
    and, sizes, 
    shine at night,
    towers standing out,
    help in sight 
    Numerous Longships,
    still severing seafarers,
    in the 21st century grip,
    modern navigation, 
    is top pip,
    Eddystones still
    giving out warnings,
    to mariners in the,
    modern electronic hip
    The lighthouse,
    Serving Maritime,
    that will not quit 
    Shining beacon,
    will always sit,
    waiting to help,
    every passing ship,
    avoid dangerous shallows,
    and, rocky
    coastline trips

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Why you mad.



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    I tried to see

    Beyond the reverie

    Eyes could feel

    But I could not heal

    The weight of the world

    Twisted steel


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    Count My SHeep


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    Color of love.

    Do yhu know, when a person dies.

    They lose the light in their eyes??


    When a person is lonely

    You can tell from how empty their eyes are.

    You can almost smell...

    When someone's in love.


    When love hits.

    A sudden good morning

    Would sound like trumpets blown by seraphims

    Eager to taste sweet nothing.


    The Color of love is painted by the heart.

    Yet it's not red.


    The color of love is...



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    Announcement in the form of request...


    Please understand that your work is true beauty of this site and I really thankful towards Norbert tasev, Carrol deviny and some others. Please post your all poems here which are present elsewhere. We are going to hold our first contest on Noblepoetry website till the last of the year or start of next year. You all take this duty to spread it around most peoples of your circle.please make peoples join here and say them to do so. If you work with your sound energy, I am sure we will get a top poetry website in the world.please go for it right now. Good luck. 

    We are waiting for your precious work 💓💓💓💓



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