is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    R.I.P JUICE WRLD 999

    That's all I wanna know


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    She Picked Him.



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    Why u lie

    Why you lie,


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    Why you mad.

    Why you mad,


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    In a Garden full of Roses. 
    One Rose was mercilessly plucked. 
    The Beauty of the Garden still remains.


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    The More I Learn

    The More I Burn


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    The recipe for advancement

        How can I build my career of opportunity over the open gap of raging Hell’s mouths? How could I prosper in the blind age of silly Celeb fools, when the pounding, unscrupulous break didn’t haunt me either !! "Roaring lava curses burned figured stigma on my sad face!" In the petty cat-and-mouse battle of humans, I fell to the ground many times voluntarily and there could hardly be anyone around me to help me! The worn-out rag wings of my idea were torn to small pieces by an insidious calculation, superficial Indifference!
        I tried to eye etheric spaces of light in the shells of True Pearls; I could have been stunned and happy, I would have been if the rules of my survival could be just an arm's length away! The shimmering lights of linden stars are only very rarely greeted; my cared forehead around the forehead a lot of lived glass balls rumbl...

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    Road signs,
    tell you where to go
    All signs removed,
    what would happen though 
    Some remote countries, 
    no signs they still go
    Finding the never ending,
    or unknown,
    without condescending,
    no mental foliage for befriending 
    So what lies at the end
    of a road,
    in Costa Rica 
    will it be what,
    you seeker 
    More important, 
    is the human feature,
    of dialogue, 
    than metal teacher
    People interacting,
    should always,
    be a feature
    Or man made metal, 
    becomes a permanent,
    fixed teacher
    No resemblance
    to the primary,
    knowledge teacher,
    with life experience, 
    as the primary feature,
    geographical preacher 
    Is redundant in feature


    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Broken In Daydreams

    Eyes baby eyes like blue stages

    We were parked slanted on a dirt road

    We fumbling over each others lips and frames

    Once it was over we got dressed it was 1998 , and on the road played The Flys Got You Where I want you 

    I was 12 you were 13 

    You treated me the. same after you took my virginity 



    and endless walks down the dirt road that always leads to home



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    In this pathway of danger

    I started to fight back

    You never came back when you left we in love, heart bleeding 

    The trail leading straight to the start

    Me in love endangered , and caught in your undertow

    So much to do with so little left over

    Things were left harshly

    I can not be that woman now


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