is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry


    Be still, and alone
    Sometimes at least,
    In order to feel complete
    Solitude, and peace.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Where have all the fairies gone
    out of sight, leaving your mind
    In a fluttering dark light
    focus, and you will see
    the fluttering of the faries
    In full sight to be.

     © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Open your arms to the universe,
    Making sure never to hug
    As a curse,
    Instead embrace our
    Planetary earth,
    Of the outstanding

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney 


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    Look at all the chaos,
    and see life is short to be
    Without a thought
    No time to breath or see
    No rest from the assault to recoup, and be.
    Take time to breath, and see
    The reality of the slowed pace to be.

     © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    The Pine Cones.

    The pine cone see's
    while knowing
    Is fully showing.
    Filling our cones
    With pure love knowing
    Our symbol
    Of this is surley showing.

     © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    The trees will soon drop all
    leaving us knowing
    That Winter is soon to fall
    Let's enjoy the leaves here, and now
    Before they leave us all.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Black Cat

    Black Cat curled up
    So warm, and tight
    Like a witches
    Hat fitting right
    Waiting patiently for
    All Hallows eve to strike
    Strolling in back gardens
    Taking in the night, knowing
    All Saints day will follow,
    Holy, and sanctified feeling right
    Being back Curled up nice, and tight.


    - Carol Natasha Diviney

    © 2020


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    I will rise

    I will rise from the ashes of my fate and sing the song of glory in your name. For you are the one I kneel and bow in front of. I take pride in saying I belong to you and your grace will get me through all the storm that is coming my way.. 


    • Grayce

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    My Heart

    Late at night my heart
    skipped a beat,
    while going
    back out into the dark street
    It was for all the
    right reasons
    so this time
    it settled, and went back
    to comfort, and beat
    Letting me know that what I was feeling,
    will end up being very deep, and
    could turn out being for
    Eternal keep.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    one crazy thing

    emptied sky

    there he stood

    so bright in the night

    brought me a smile

    i just paused 

    he just smirked

    talked about the day

    saw him after so long

    because of the seasons

    asked him about his fellow mates

    and so we talked for minutes and hours

    then i stood bidding a goodbye

    whispering a good night

    and so was how

    that moon up made me smile


    it's something stupid and crazy


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