is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Biographical note


    I lived in my scaled rectangle room right opposite Budaörs from eighty-seven until now! Infinitely strangling Time has become a slave. Crumpled, curved-waisted bachelor. Ladies - with a good number but exceptional abilities - I even call him Norbus. There was no air, no deprivation of vacuum in our country at that time, and no enough fake, rumored chords reminiscent of anti-Orpheus. Romantic, meaningless compliments of lost confessions of love.

    He was chained to the corner of the proud city by a desire for independence, an emigrant-loneliness consciousness! With my Enkidu body too hairy, no one drilled his lily head into my shaggy fortress chest, only He! My Sisyphus, my foolish figure, the blunders of my hesitation, stared all the more in Calvin Square on the way to the baroque library castle: Our lips caressed love messages like young fools, we ran away from our eternal emotions!

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    Democratic decadence

    To decline in sense by standards, morals and dignity,

    perceived decay in honor, faith and most of discipline.

    Falling into the process of condition deterioration,

    societies antiquities and its embarrassing vulgar declaration.

    Excessive indulgences for the riches spoil,

    and the hangover as inheritance as waste to toil.

    No real challenges with that hoarded gold as bliss,

    throwing all the coins towards the issue and miss.

    Scattered treasures as wild status quo and garden of Eros,

    juices of amnesia and enhancing substance grandiose.

    Upon the soul the kisses and floating wine,

    smoking hot chicks not to mention therein.

    When that velvet luster speaks the eye,

    and cruelty pronounce that language of lie.

    Business or pleasure not the question here,

    for vicissitudes ripeness amorously to stir.

    Thousand twinkling stars from heaven dares...

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    Religious Robot

    A religious robot I am not
    A mindless
    Robot I am not
    I have a voice and I will speak
    God gave me that voice


    I may be young
    But through God I am strong
    When I think things are not fight
    I will voice my opinion 


    You can tell me to sit down and shut up
    You can say I'm to young
    Therefore I have no idea what I'm talking about


    Go ahead and mock me
    See where it gets you


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    Toast to life

    Raise your glasses
    A toast to life we make

    Life has highs and lows
    Ups and downs
    A rollercoaster ride of emotions 

    Toast to life
    Joy and fun
    Life is a journey 
    Life is a path
    Travel and learn
    All that you can

    A toast to life
    Raise your glasses high
    We only live once
    Enjoy the ride


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    Her, Red

    You are an art, full
    a wonderful maze

    The corners I'll paint
    with this mischievous lips

    How do I keep calm
    when your sunset left a spark

    And I can see your eyes
    through this water paradise

    May you be the storm, but
    won't be fearing me to drown

    The blazes amazed me
    but I will never frown

    To lose myself in yours
    till the end of time


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    Your gentle touch
    Let's me know I have a friend
    Your gentle touch
    Calms my fears

    Life doesn't seem so bad
    When I am holding your hand
    The sky seems more blue
    Darkness and trouble
    Seemed to stay away
    When I am with you

    You let me know
    I will never be alone
    If ever I need someone
    You are there

    Through the good and the bad
    Through the joy and the tears
    Even at our worst
    I know I can count on you


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    My Poem

    This is my poem
    My words
    The dagger in my heart
    The knife in my back

    This my poem
    The emotional chains that bind me
    The emotional vines that wrap around me and won't let me free

    This is my poem
    My emotional flood
    The pouring of

    This is my poem
    My journey
    The joy of life
    The pain that sometimes is

    This is my poem
    My life
    My hurt
    My struggles

    This is my poem
    The flowing of tears
    The laughing like a loon

    This is my poem
    My tears
    My blood
    My sweat
    My struggles
    The road I follow
    The path I walk
    My freedom
    My prison
    My gain
    My loss
    My joys
    My punishment

    This is my poem
    This i...

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    Mortal love .

    In mortal confinement The love we bore made commitment,

    As a contagion,our hearts became more found of each other

    But in silence it blossomed,like lilies in the artic with none to adore the aesthetical sense.

    Petals on the winds,our love out into the cold world,

    a beautiful aura unexplainable in word.


    But the love we bore couldn't be

    , For fate never  let in ,to let us be.

    But what  we shared was real,

    for even in the unseen world our souls remained intertwined _

    even if fate never let in to let us be we'll always be meant to be_


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    In mortal confinement The love we bore made commitment, As a contagion,our hearts became more found of each other But in silence it blossomed,like lilies in the artic with none to adore the aesthetical sense. Petals on the winds,our love out into the cold world a beautiful aura unexplainable in word But the love we bore couldn't be, For fate never let in ,to let us be. But what we shared was real, for even in the unseen world our souls remained intertwined _ even if fate never let in to let us be we'll always be meant to be_ .

    In mortal confinement The love we bore made commitment,

    As a contagion,our hearts became more found of each other

    But in silence it blossomed,like lilies in the artic with none to adore the aesthetical sense.

    Petals on the winds,our love out into the cold world,

    a beautiful aura unexplainable in word.


    But the love we bore couldn't be

    , For fate never  let in ,to let us be.

    But what  we shared was real,

    for even in the unseen world our souls remained intertwined _

    even if fate never let in to let us be we'll always be meant to be_


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    The surgeries she has had in her life
    Have left many scars
    Many people laugh at her
    Many people make fun of her
    All because she was born different

    I  for one see past the scars
    I see the beautiful person she is
    She is shy
    Afraid I will laugh
    Just as all the others have
    I have shown her my scars
    Told her my story
    Still she is weary

    I don't blame her
    When all the kids laughed at me
    It took time
    Time to heal
    Time open up again
    Time to love

    Yes I understand
    For now we are just friends
    She at least trusts me that much
    I am cool with that


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