is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Poetry

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    I lay in bed, 

    Wondering when was the last time I felt joy, 

    Happiness I could remember, 

    Happiness can be bought, 

    Joy can't, 

    What happens when the pain is all you know, 

    What happens when you normalize it, 

    What happens when this is the new normal and joy is nothing but a mere memory? 

    It's a feeling I know all too well


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    Sketch season


    Now it's still a warm, lukewarm daze.
    Dressed in a morgue, getting the gray sky. clouds of cotton candy vented out of themselves the broken drops of their grief. The late-zigzagging injection needle tips of lightning do not split: Although ominous breezes still explode, they secretly pop up here and there.

    The unchanging buzz of the end of summer ripens on the branches. Autumn kisses its green scaly fires with its imit-amott flames: their bodies are threatened by the price of digestive fire! Beyond that on the Mountain of Birds rest three balding aggastyan kings: and their mountain ranges are gently and veinily connected like tired and limp muscles on the barren surfaces of their bodies.

    Now everything is, can and will be! - It is a happy consciousness of safe satisfaction. I have nothing but my self-conscious hope of forcibly pulling me out of the mud and setting it ...

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    Nothing but a fading memory

    I saw the first tree, 

    I was in, 

    Into the woods, 

    I could hear him, 

    Coming behind me, 

    I could hear dad say, 

    I'm going to catch you, 

    He caught me that day, 

    And the next, 

    And the next, 

    Until he was not there, 

    Until he was no more than a memory


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    Uncertain guesswork


    I see as an accomplice, have you ever been able to listen? you thought to yourself overwhelmingly, proudly, “What can this worthless willow cub want? Even that immortal kisses and the nectars of idyllic laurels? What nonsense is that again ?! ” "I didn't dare take my lips to magical, complimenting words," he was afraid I knew, I'd scare you for good!

    The bewitched Moment of Fate gifted me, and then he was suddenly captivated, he took me far: Maybe if we became the cuddly grandmothers and grandfathers of the School of Life, we might still run into each other in the great abundance! "I couldn't even say one last word to you: And now it's not just the usual 'how am I?' - bagatell's question rides in my head, why did I collect misguided minutes, idyllic gazes

    shreds? I already know: The determined will boasted in me that would h...

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    You didn't hurt me 
    I hurt me!
    You didn't break me
    I broke me!
    I spent every  love penny 
    It's not your fault you couldn't handle me
    it's neither your fault that I was too mature and womanly 
    boys play and men stay 
    that's just the reality 
    I am not upset just disappointed in you honey :)


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    Bluish whirling clean water

    Cool Sierra Nevada Mountains in the rear view

    Majestically holding fort as we gaze at their  grandeur

    Ripples of what we may lose

    At what cost

    What a price to pay?




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    6 Alcott Lane

      6 Alcott Lane

    I'm a worn out old man.
    I want to go back to Alcott
    where the world was in a jar
    and we were masters of the
    woods. We knew the creeks and
    lake and swung on vines Tarzan
    like and ran home to supper and
    homework and TV and slumber
    and dad off to work at 5am hacking
    in the bushes and off he went in
    the flesh colored rocket ship that
    was a a '57 Chevorlet Bel Air.


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    I wanted to make you proud.
    Your first born boy namesake.
    March 23,1949. You were back
    from war nerves on edge and
    work was scarce and you kept
    exploding in rage and we all
    vibrated with fear and felt
    your pain and war's hell and
    pitied and loved you always.
    Mom closed the windows in
    summer so the neighbors
    wouldn't hear and we went
    to our rooms and mastered
    the art of disappearing.




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