is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    "No More Pain"

    There, he hid alone,
    In the dark, bleak, cold.
    Seeking some warmth,
    His arms were fold.

    Dust and blood,
    The scent of rain.
    The terrible screams,
    Made him feel pain.

    He couldn’t see,
    It was so dark.
    But, within the darkness,
    His blue eyes spark.

    He breathed, for air,
    He lost his leg.
    He closed his eyes,
    “Take me home” He’d beg.

    In the long, cruel nights,
    In the dark, full moon.
    He would only remember,
    The warm sun of june.

    He had his share,
    Of death, and blood.
    His wet, ripped boots,
    Were stuck, in the mud.

    “No more pain,
    No more death”.
    He whispered to himself,
    Struggling, for his breath.

    As bodies piled,
    He just felt broken.
    A gasp, escaped him,
    For their eyes, were wide open.

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    Durga in She

    Warm, sheltered frame, tender heart
    Little girl delightedly arrive the world
    Bright and joyful, safe and secure, she believed
    As men bow down and pray to the She lord. 

    Her home filled with love and faith
    Brilliantly safeguarded her wholeness
    Curiously pondered on the world outside the home
    Would be bright and joyful, safe and secure
    As men bow down and pray to the She lord. 

    Stepped outside her blessed shield
    Got entangled in the scary ropes
    The beautiful world suddenly played a cruel role
    Whenever she ran, many watched her go
    Many minds, eyes, strength shackled her soul
    Once the safe and the secure world
    Became the unguarded, unheard, and unsaid hall
    Still, men bow down and pray to the She Lord. 

    Many touched her and go
    Play with her extant  and throw
    Bruised heart, wounded skin
    She kept herself...

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    Noose Tied around the Moon

    I went around town looking for a quick way to commit suicide because everything around me seems worthless, 
    Everyone's now looking for joy in materialistic objects, 
    All stuck in the matrix, programmed to not ask "out of the box" questions,
    What's the purpose of living? 
    Does life have any meaning? 
    If so, why is it missing in my dictionary?
    A month ago I drank rat poison,
    Hoping to die but
    It actually tasted like a magic potion
    And I swear I heard a voice inside my head saying "look for better options"
    Without a peace of mind I know my life costs no fortune,
    I have had my share of love and she left me crying out a monsoon,
    I can already hear the people who despise me say "gone to soon"
    As they watch my body float in the sky hanging on to a noose tied around the moon.



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    Go Ask Alice

    Go ask Alice in her padded cell

    how she took a tumble and fell

    down a rabbit hole of illusion

    now don’s a straight-jacket of confusion.


    Go ask Alice with her veins full of Lithium

    how she surrendered to her delirium

    of smoking caterpillars and a grinning feline

    whose attached to an Intravenous mainline.


    Go ask Alice about her sanity

    how it vanished in this asylum of rhapsody

    in a fog that is translucent and hypnotic

    in her Wonderland of painted narcotics.


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    You See

    You see my smile but you fail to see my pain
    you see my sunshine, but ignore the rain
    my tears flow
    my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul


    you hear me laugh, but fail to see me cry
    you see my dance, but fail to see me fall
    you see the mountains I have climbed, but fail to see the trenches I've had to crawl through
    my tears flow like a waterfall
    you only see my life, but fail to see I'm dying inside
    tears flow
    heart smokes from the fire burning my soul


    You see my accomplishments, but never how hard it took me to get thre
    you see the goals I've achieved, but never my failures
    you see the shine in my eyes, but never the dark clouds over head
    my tears flow, I am drowning
    you see me, but never truly see me
    tears flow
    my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul


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    Quarantine Suitors

    Who knocks at my door ? 

    At this pandemic hour 

    It is the CDC coming for me 

    Asking me questions 

    My neighbors are running from me 

    My love is virtual 

    I speak to you but I don't 

    I could see you but I won't 

    We are connected 

    Because I love you and you love me 

    You don't see anyone but me 

    We stay home to protect ourselves 

    And others, others, don't see others

    You're American you're hearty

    You party real loudly you smarty and sadly 

    You do what you want when you want to 

    You do what helps you if you've got to 

    So who knocks now ?





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    The Eye of the beholder



    Those eyes that can reflect heavens on earth,

    turning earth expression into constant birth.

    Pilgrimages to You from within as servant,

    sacred dwellings of worship and its current.

    Compassionate visions radiate in true ideal,

    provided natures phenomena and eternal.

    Seeing flower footprints as godly dancing steps,

    veneration of space as formless love effects.

    Immensity of celestial majestic display,

    presence without doubt from Your heart at bay.

    The soul as compass pointing towards that behold,

    crossing the ocean of life facing the storm so bold.

    The eye of intuition never deceived,

    hidden mysteries given liberty received.

    The domain of every soul in its own sphere,

    multidimensional observer reflecting to take care.

    The magical glance poured into every child exist,

    starving kisses enf...

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    Among memories


    I watched him! He was there every day and stared with enchanting roe deer eyes, and there he always stepped one step in front of me, as if he were secretly leaning towards me: he was leaning gently on me with his amber curls and wishing for shelter beside me! "There's always some cracked vulnerability left!" The stern eyeballs were also amarra: Execution squads, murderers, examined the unfortunate speaker, while in his awkwardness he failed, failed, or somehow went down. "But where might He have looked, where did a burst of nimble clouds step?"

    In the emptied and worn summer maturation, his cold and warm atmosphere stretched his temper. Only loneliness is what left me with loyalty, as an acquaintance. Where a camp of preachers aged in the valley-cauldron of mountain giants represents moral values, as in their words faithful orator-prophets represent Unity daily!

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    too intrusive to be true

    let’s both play a game of truth, you can tell me lies
    and i won’t know because i can’t look you in the eyes

    suicide is dangerous 
    because i will die alone 
    so please just shoot me in the head and hold my hand before i go

    and i hope i rot in hell
    and i hope i rot in jail 
    and i hope my death is celebrated 
    and let’s go back to the hotel

    i can crumble in the bathroom
    drink wine that’s mixed with piss
    and i wanna hear you in the bedroom
    so i can remind myself that nobody will miss me.

    i hope i rot in hell
    i hope i rot in jail 

    these thoughts that i have are enough 
    to excuse my murder in the court 
    please just say it was self defense 
    please make it make sense.


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    The arts do it..

    Knowing two as One

    Is a saving Joy..

    Add a third and more and

    Form seems to approach



    The arts point and invite

    A journey's End...



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