is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry


    I’m looking at all the things you’ve done:
    The unexpected turns and awkward silence.
    How will you know it’s time to run?
    Don’t worry. I’ll turn on the sirens.


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    The Burning Ground

    I can feel the ground burning beneath my feet.

    I wish I could keep all the promises,

    Predict every consequence.

    The ground dances, glances at my eyes,

    Fills them with water, 

    I wish I was bolder so that I could shoulder 

    Insanity, that feels a lot like vice.

    An unfinished story fills the space —

    Is that a phase in which I face all the glory

    That one day may ruin me?

    It is a clue I need to set me free, 

    Accidentally, it is right beneath my feet.

    The burning ground. I’m stepping down

    In fear of being overwhelmed, 

    I may prevent the ruinous and furious glance.

    It stands with me from rhyme to rhyme.

    It breaths and sets my feet aflame — it’s nothing but a childish game,

    In which I’m destined to resign.


    The ground burns, it’s right on time,...

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    You’ve Gone So Far

    You’ve gone so far and yet you think

    That everything is far behind you.

    The things you’re missing when you blink

    Do not define you.  


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    First Cigarette

    You smoked your first cigarette

    Not because the fridge broke 

    In the morning.


    It’s the mourning,

    The sacrifice you make

    Not to make mistakes


    That need to be made.


    It’s the broken elevator

    On the tenth floor. You are more

    Than you think.


    A lot more.



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    Never be a Slave to Death (2 Die is to Live)

    Yo I used to fear death when I take deep breaths now I look left 
    Right I will still watching for my enemies who kill no deals 
    Given yo I'm still living life of a hustler mad juggler 
    Cant play with the joker deaths laughing having a blast 
    Soon to see a cast newsflash leaking blood on the dash 
    As the cops flash my photo for the o-btituary it's kind of scary 
    See the murder of crows sitting on the poles lights discos 
    I'm soon to crossover bold let my soul unfold then scold 
    Mold the world to my ambition suspension once I strengthen 
    Myself drinking too much gin ain't good for my health 
    I'm going crazy maybe cuz I gotta visit from the red lady 
    No tails succubus tryna take me to hell I'm feeling well 
    Trapped inside of a jail cell physical making miracles imperial 
    Black dynasty emerald shining like I&#...

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    like rolling mountains,
    the arch of your spine
    takes me on a breathtaking

    to the highest peak
    of pleasure and the
    lowest valley of

    it is a terrain I have
    learnt to navigate ,
    a landscape I have mapped
    with the tips of my fingers

    I stand at the summit
    elevated and elated,
    surveying the land
    I know

    your eyes
    I claim as
    my own


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    I'm your opposite

    I'm your opposite
    Did you know?

    If you were a synonym
    I'd be the antonym

    If you were the night
    I'd be the day

    If I were the moon
    You'd be the sun

    If I were the darkness
    You'd be the light

    But if you wanted to switch roles
    I'd do it gladly

    And that's why
    We are friends.


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    Sometimes, the blazing rays of the sun penetrates my body through
    the window,
    While sometimes it freezes me to the bone, by letting 'in' the brass monkey weather!!
    Sometimes i see the vault of heaven making palpable colours on my window!!
    While sometimes it shows the sun drooping into its hole in the yellow chromatic light.
    Sometimes i see the pearls of water stopping by to see me, taking the shelter over the hedge of my window, along with it, bringing the scent of nature which comes after the pearls hitting the turf.
    Sometimes it petrifies me by the thunderclap,
    While sometimes it gratifies me by the clement weather!!!
    GRACIAS!!! WINDOW!! you let me open to a new world!!!!


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    You said you knew me! Just look boldly at my humble abode: With the gradual orderliness and cleanliness arranged, you can't find any clues that I can sometimes speak to myself my vocal cords, a secret, inner room, with a strange mutter! My manuscripts and my mother can know my fleeting fads, my laughable rhymes - but only my mother knows me! A disciplined army of my folded feathers standing guarding may know the furry forest, the jungle bushes of my chunky hands, but really even they couldn't solve the eternal mystery about me: Why am I thirsting for loneliness, loneliness condemned to fertility?

    Even so, I still like the shady sides of incognito, and despite my great hall, I avoid being noticed! I am still researching, discovering in myself the essence and content that I thought was led away, but my inner being is the constant doubt and despair itself!

    I have countless ...

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    Oh!!! you beautiful poetry,
    you know how i define you.
    You are an angelic form of some
    entangled words into a bracing thought..
    You are the one who defines the world in a word.
    You are the alluring words which are woven into love
    or rage poetry by the crazy lovers.
    You are the impetus,which give the 'failed' a chance to stand
    back again!!
    You are just bewitching.....


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