is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

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    Author: Ronnie



    I'm so disappointed in myself not being able to see the most of what I am but I know its there its just so far away and I feel so weak I'm not even halfway there. I fall on my knees, and my back bounces up and down with tears running along my cheeks not caring how much it's breaking me.  It feels like I can't breathe...


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     I want to be here but just alone. Away from people away from judgement away from any communication. You ask me how I feel and I say fine when really i am breaking inside. I can't smile in the happiest of moments because I know it won't last forever and it will just go away tearing me apart taking it away from the people I love. I don't keep expectations. I only have hope that things will get better but I know they most likely will not. I cry without knowing and I can't look at myself in the mirror for too long because I know my brain will think of monsters I will see starring right back at me. 


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    Dad please come back... You left and you havent said anything... I want you I need you... What cant you understand...I cry every night and you can't see it because I put up these walls. Afraid if I drop it, That I will fall. I will disappear into nothing at all then I'll run and try to hide because I can't face the world like other people can. I'm afraid of what others will think of me and what they will do. I have no motivation and no hope for our future. Dad.. Please come back... you left me here with fate to decide my love for you


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    What if she knew

    What if she knew how much I truely love her. What if she understood why. What if....what if she loved me back?... but I know thats a lie. She shoved me under her bed, forgetting about m and wasting me. why do I love her? Because she can let go of things so so easily... and her laugh.. how she walks, talks.. everyhthing just screams; What if she knew I love her?


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    The river rors next to the boat with no captin.

    The oceans waves fly free with the wind

    My dreams come and go- why can't they stay?

    With as much depth and freedom as rivers and waters.


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    I wish

    I wish everyone could just understand.

    I wish I could fly away to a different land.

    I wish I could close my eyes and dream of a way out.

    I wish I would stop wishing for things that will never come true.

    Dont you?



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