is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Author: Christopher Freitag

    I write poetry as an escape from a weird and troubled world. It is also the result of insomnia so.. I write quite often. My poetry tends to be sad and occasionally more than sad. Maybe though.. My words may help a few people. Its all I've ever wanted to do. Hopefully less people will feel alone.


    Heartbroken Autopilot

    A normal day waking up
    I fetch me a quick dose of a nation's situation
    The television on as briefly as possible


    Down my hallway, a shower, steeling myself
    Applying my image to shield vulnerabilities


    Briskly walking back through the hallway


    Raising a middle finger to a blank tv screen
    So much pain..


    Coffee or an energy drink?
    Maybe vodka but I need to be able to think


    Reaching like a tired Monster for a Redbull
    I still can't escape by flying away..


    Counter drawers, withdrawing a dose..


    An antidepressant placebo
    This land's status always makes it both though




    Light of the new day looms
    I'd love to just witness compassion


    Yeah.. Its.. A norm...

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    Manufactured Tears

    Years pass
    Every second seems to gain more mass..
    Seconds are so impossible..
    One can be a moment or a year..


    The weight of a human heart..
    It can grow so severe..


    No medical text can define a human heart..


    No one wants to just fade
    No one wants to slip away for no reason..


    Its as if some are desperate to live
    The process just rips them apart..


    I fear for the human heart..
    Not for its nature..


    For how it can appear..


    Life is fast and slow..


    Swimming in Manufactured Tears..


    Very created..


    Very real..



    Hold onto hope.

    Never. Let. It. Go.


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    American Citizen

    Its like a cold pinnacle on a mountain 

    Compassionate but a bit crazy
    Doesn't matter anyway
    I found my way yesterday 
    I should have applied it for today

    I tried forging a new tomorrow
    So I have hope in hand..
    I'll never cave to the demands..

    In honesty I've never felt more numb..
    I guess compassion fractured my stature..

    I write a poem or two
    But I'm as weak as a feather
    I made some money but..
    It revealed the monsters..
    Here and there then there and here again
    Slain dreams are everywhere..

    I pick up the pad and pen
    I need to vent it out again..

    This paper my Heaven as a pen becomes will..

    How is it working and what am i worth?

    Yeah I helped a few people..

    But my heart is on full display for the public so its residing in a poetic hearse my words are my cu...

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