is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Heartbroken Autopilot

    A normal day waking up
    I fetch me a quick dose of a nation's situation
    The television on as briefly as possible


    Down my hallway, a shower, steeling myself
    Applying my image to shield vulnerabilities


    Briskly walking back through the hallway


    Raising a middle finger to a blank tv screen
    So much pain..


    Coffee or an energy drink?
    Maybe vodka but I need to be able to think


    Reaching like a tired Monster for a Redbull
    I still can't escape by flying away..


    Counter drawers, withdrawing a dose..


    An antidepressant placebo
    This land's status always makes it both though




    Light of the new day looms
    I'd love to just witness compassion


    Yeah.. Its.. A normal day..


    With a heart screaming silently
    With a mind trained to suppress


    Appearing as my best..


    This stress..


    When will it end..?


    Lately I'm on autopilot


    The stress feels like I'm a mess at best


    Knowing I'm not alone in this.. 
    It brings a slight comfort and a wave of hurt..


    Times are changing and..


    Its.. Heartbreaking..

