is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • profile

    Author: Coleman Monroe Lowe

    Hello and let me introduce myself. I am Coleman. That is my given name and I am fine with that. I consider myself to ba a two-spirit person and admit i am confused by all the terminoligy for gender nowadays.I prefer dressing as a lady and their company. I wear my heart on my sleeve so to speak. I love intensely and perhaps too much.I cannot love you with all my heart as I do not fall in and out of love but retain my love for all I've ever loved. I Put a piece of myself in all my poetry and when I see a tear come to the eye of a reader i know that i have been successful in putting my feelings into print as most of my poems are written with my tears.


    Myopic Tunnel

    Through a tunnel i walk

    Stumbling upon the demons i stalk

    Straining to understand their words

    Yet afraid of what their message may hold

    The walls and path are all ablur

    As further along i do blunder

    Stumbling and falling

    To rise once more

    Searching for a magical door

    To release me from this caliginous gambit

    Then the goblins and trepidation omit

    To deliver me anew to the suns bright glare

    And release me once more from the captivity of despair


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    Epitomical Angel

    Your face,

    Your lips.

    The little mole upon your hip.

    A hidden ring,

    The sparkle in your big brown eyes.

    The magic in your parted thighs.

    So much of you I do recall.

    But of your name,

    Not at all.

    What's that speak of me?

    When I look in the mirror,

    Whom do I see

    When i look at myself,
    What do I consider?

    Just why,

    Can't I remember?

    You did so very much for me.


    You did it all for free.

    Without any expectation.

    But i can't remember,

    Your information.

    Without you,

    I might have perished.

    And always will,

    Your memories,

    Be cherished.













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