is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Epitomical Angel

    Your face,

    Your lips.

    The little mole upon your hip.

    A hidden ring,

    The sparkle in your big brown eyes.

    The magic in your parted thighs.

    So much of you I do recall.

    But of your name,

    Not at all.

    What's that speak of me?

    When I look in the mirror,

    Whom do I see

    When i look at myself,
    What do I consider?

    Just why,

    Can't I remember?

    You did so very much for me.


    You did it all for free.

    Without any expectation.

    But i can't remember,

    Your information.

    Without you,

    I might have perished.

    And always will,

    Your memories,

    Be cherished.



















