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    Author: Suicidal Coconut


    The WhatsApp Group

    Emotion: I’m the last to know.
                                                    Why does it matter
                                                  It’s mere chatter 
                            It’s doesn’t mean nothing:
    Emotion: Comforting-nothing 
      but really it’s something.


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    Lethal weapon

    I am a lethal weapon.
    A weapon nobody must come upon,
    A weapon ready to blow, 
    A weapon that can kill you,
    A weapon that can kill me.

    I love you but I’m a weapon.
    A very, very lethal weapon.
    Killing anything in it’s path and beyond.

    I love you but I’ll hurt you,
    I’ll do more than bruises 
    And making your eye blue.
    I try to put safety but I’m still a danger,
    I give us space but I can murder from afar.

    I love you but I must push you away.
    Better to leave you with a little sting
    Than to kill you with my hot ammunition.


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    The day can’t fight the night

    The day can’t fight the night
    And the darkness will absorb the light
    So when it’s dark and you loss your sight
    Just know I kept up the fight.

    Not to say I am defeated;
    I’m physically standing (and mentally dying)
    As a lone cub in the night, I fiercely fend
    Sadly as night drags on, my fate is set
    Beside all courage, I can soundly bet 
    That the day can’t fight the night
    Like how the light can’t fight the dark
    As we broil and tussle and war
    We know that death wins the fight


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    Black Boy

    At the beginning of time
    they saw him as a slave
    Now, it’s the police prime
    to shoot him into the grave
    Peers scared he’ll steal their toys
    Teachers still stereotype that his a black boy
    Expel him giving his future to the gangs
    Either jail or stuck between devil’s fangs
    Scrabbling through the trauma
    Living through hates non-understandable 
    Unaware, untrained he’ll be a black man
    Until then, neither he stays in a comma
    ‘Cause I don’t know how the black boy can survive.




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    To Fear

    To be powerless
    To the situation 
    That keeps u captive
    That keeps u detain
    So u don’t fly
    Or see the world
    That is beyond
    The horrible situation
    Brother don’t be bothered 
    By fear
    Or it’s seductive sister
    For u are powerful 
    Don’t let fear deter ur power.


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    I’ll be exampling what happen 
    I’ll tell until I figure out when 
    Or understand the between of here and where
    Or until I know what you’re actually asking?
    I’ll be exampling what happen 
    Until I remember what happen, then.


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    Emotional Brat

    I don’t need to care
    How do you feel
    So if you’re mad and shit
    Doesn’t affect me
    Sort yourself 
    Because you need to sort me
    You better do it good
    Today it’s you
    And tomorrow someone else
    To me you’re a toy; I’m a rich kid
    Play, then throw you out
    You yell, “ fuck you!”
    Doesn’t matter, I got choices 
    Don’t need to care
    Cry a little 
    See my smile shine
    Devilish but so carefree
    Like an emotional brat.


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    I know it starts with one thought,
    Then multiples to thousand,
    Then becomes the only thing you think.

    I know it starts with one cut,
    Then evolves to many cuts,
    Then becomes the only thing you do.

    I know it starts with one desire,
    Then grows bigger and important,
    In the end, it’s an attempt,

    Don’t worry I didn’t die.
    I actually got help 
    And I became better.

    But why when i know the all answers,
    I fall into the same trap,
    Find myself with the knife again.

    Is suicide the only thing that becomes of me?


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    I see you; wonder the crowds 
    with your joking jeers of me.
    Then you replay the jeers more
    annoying than the radio with songs.

    You see I; alone in my cold coffin.
    Damn, what a funny day!
    When your jokes stop playing.


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    The Darkness

    The darkness

    She wishes she’s missed,
    She tried to wrap her arms around me,
    No, I’m happy without her,

    She must let me be,
    But the more she tries doesn’t deter
    Her. The Darkness


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    Everyday is Everyday

    The sun will rise everyday,
    Then will decent at sunset everyday,
    The air will fill and empty your lungs
    Every second and every minute everyday,
    Hundreds of people die everyday,
    But there’s thousands of births everyday,
    Your history grows with every passing day,
    And your future grows smaller everyday,
    You must open your gift, the present, everyday
    Even if it’s unpleasant or the best thing ever,
    You must accept this gift everyday
    And everyday and everyday and everyday,

    Then comes that one day,
    You see the sunrise and the sunset
    And feel the air pass through your lungs
    On that day you can touch the happy
    Ambience of new live, the last time, and hear
    The stories of your yesterday and listen
    To the hopes for an innocent infant’s life,
    On that day your hopes are pipe dreams
    Cause today there’s no more tomorrow
    Sadly, ...

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