is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • The WhatsApp Group

    Emotion: I’m the last to know.
                                                    Why does it matter
                                                  It’s mere chatter 
                            It’s doesn’t mean nothing:
    Emotion: Comforting-nothing 
      but really it’s something.

                                                          ­    What?: Logic
    Emotion: Nobody cares about you.
                                                      The group             
              doesn’t mean that, overreacting: Logic

    Emotion: No, it’s not overreacting.
                    Nobody cares about you.
                    Not a single even remember you.
              What does this merit?
    Everybody has gotten over it. :Logic

    Emotion: Merit, meaning is simple to see.  
    Nobody can a fat, ugly, know-it-all to befriend.
    You give all so you are what they want to be.
    Jeez! Speak properly. Horrible teeth, speech.
    No “friend” cares for Shrek, lonely with cats    
                                                      ­        until the end.
    Logic: (Tried) Stop, stop being so mean!  
    Emotion: It’s not mean.     Are you right: Logic                                     Hard truth, you know it too. Nobody
              Absolutely nobody cares about you!
             : Emotion and Logic say together 

    When logic is the emotion,
    And the emotion the logic,
    Death is aroused by every part of you,
    Darkness becomes the only thing,
    Rejection makes live indescribably unbearable,
    Killing yourselves for people who care for nothing.
