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    Author: WordsFromLuxe



    No one ever appreciates the beautiful thing in life until the thunderstorm hits 

    That’s when they pray for better days and for the storm to go away forever 
    by then it’s to late to take back what was already washed away by storm

    No one ever appreciates the beautiful things in life until the sun shines to bright 

    That’s when they pray for the clouds to cover what they aren’t ready to face 
    by then they can’t find the way to the shadows because they never took the time to buy sunglasses


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    As it stood in front of me 
    so lifeless...

    But I couldn’t be afraid 
    because it was a reflection of me 

    It slowly began to come close to me 
    but I couldn’t move 

    Because I accepted it in my soul 

    It began to walk towards my reflection 
    I felt my heart turning cold 

    Then i realized I was talking to my soul...


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    Expensive Love

    Your love was too expensive 
    more than you knew I could afford

    I was determined to keep you to myself

    I paid for everything

    my PAIN
    your HAPPINESS

    my TEARS
    your SMILE

    I placed my soul in your hands 

    I invested everything into loving you

    It was never good enough because you kept asking for more 

    but i was already empty

    You took everything from me

    You left me hollow

    Your love cost me everything...


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    She protected herself from everything 

    She hid her emotions from everyone because she feared being hurt 

    She didn’t realize the pain she was causing herself by shutting down

    She felt as if everyone would judge her if they knew what she really been through

    She never wanted love because she knew the pain that came at the end

    She never gave anyone the chance to understand her because she been hurt to much

    She never knew real happiness so couldn’t search for something she doesn’t know 

    She is me


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    Why do I write?

    I write because it feels better than therapy 

    I write because it's better than constantly hearing  

    "Oh, I'm sorry"
    “Yea, I understand"

    or nothing at all but that blank stare people give you when they are trying to act like they care

    I write because this is the closest things to drugs that will help me escape this reality

    I write because it's the only way I can understand what is going on with me 

    I write because it always reminds me that i will be okay


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