is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • PTSD 3

    It was my first deployment over seas

    I was in an open field

    When I spotted one of the enemy

    I shot him before he could shoot me

    Then from behind

    I was shot in the leg


    I was taken to a field hospital

    And later sent back to the states

    While lying in my hospital bed

    I kept replaying it in my mind

    Me shooting someone

    Me a murder

    Sure he would have killed someone else

    Sure he would have destroyed more lives

    But still, I just could not get over what I had down

    I did what I had to do

    War is kill or be killed


    I am not a killer

    That is not me


    After I was releashed from the hospital

    I left the military

    I vowed never to touch a gun


    Any other weapon

    For as long as I lived
