is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • History is worthy

    History is worthy
    Every time we try to think we are reigning champions
    Nature reveals the originals that paved the way
    I'm in awe of the ancient history told either by mouth or by the paintings of Bushmen 
    Or the craft of the stone age that gave birth to these painted minds with imaginations 
    From the beginning of time we evolved
    Our uniqueness took center stage
    We fought for identity
    I wanted to be different from you, I wanted to be unique
    Distance, time and space gave me just that
    Maybe billion light years away my ancestor was a white man's ancestor;
    What if the African sun gave me this black uniqueness, I evolved through distance and time!
    What if we are one people, one colour, one nation;
    Through distance and time (millions of time difference) we evolved
    Look at a story of a butterfly no one knew until someone witnessed
    What if at this moment we are really living amongst the tracking fields of Giants?
    Maybe it's true a name really existed because something existed first - and it was given such name
    History is a heritage worthy of preserving, it tells us plenty
    © Lungi Shigo Msusa
