is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Who Am I

    Who am I

    I really don't know

    I seem to fit

    Whatever I'm told


    People keep telling me

    Who I am

    Instead of Letting me explore

    To find out for myself


    People seem to think

    I am a puppet on a string

    To dance

    To bend

    To conform

    To their way

    At the tug of a string


    Why can't they leave me alone

    Let me stretch my wings

    To let me fly

    Soar above all obstacles in my way

    Just to glide over them

    To find my true self


    I need to explore

    I need let loose all bonds

    I need to find myself



    Who am I

    I don't know

    Never had the chance to find out

    Every time I try

    Someone pulls me back

    Someone binds me in chains


    To never learn the true person that I be
