is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • I am the Freak

    I am the freak

    Bleed me

    Destroy me

    Burn my soul if you want

    I can not change who I am

    All I wanted was a friend


    You all shun me

    You all turn away


    I am the freak


    I am human

    I have feelings

    I have emotions

    I fall in love

    So even though I am a freak

    I am not much different than you


    I am the freak

    Peirce my side

    Make me bleed in great waves

    You can destroy my body


    My spirit

    My soul

    Can not be destroyed


    I am the freak

    Though I get laghed at

    Though they throw their mud

    I still dream

    I still aspire

    To better myself

    To better those around me


    I am the freak

    You all have pointed that out


    You do not know my story

    You do not know my background

    You call me a freak

    You know nothing about me


    I am the freak

    Though you laugh

    Though you throw your mud

    I will go on

    For I have better things to do

    Than standing here


    listening to your shit
