is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Call me angry call me mad

    Call me angry, call me mad
    Born the same day
    Born at the same center
    But you don't know my name
    Your life is different
    from mine, we didn't
    grow up the same way
    And we never shared our
    We feel the same pain
    Why act like you don't know
    my pain, why, my pain is 
    different from yours?
    Remember we are all
    tributaries of that great
    river of pain flowing into 
    one ocean
    There's only one ocean all 
    the pains flow into it but
    it'll spill over the waters of
    blood into a great national
    floods before we recognize
    that all the oceans are one?
    You life is different from mine
    Your life is taking another way
    Go on and live your life
    Go on
       See you when we're old'n grey
    Walking sticks exposing our vices
        Will you ask my name then?!
       Is the sleep right in your eyes
        Call me angry call me mad
    I'm a soul that whispers in the deep
    © Lungi Shigo Msusa

