is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • The silent disciple (Part-5/5)

    On a moonless night
    the silent disciple
    and the dedicated monk
    with the help of those good fairies
    and the jungle goddess
    built an enormous trap
    inside the dark forest
    so that the monster
    could not escape in no way.

    All heart trembles
    wind stopped flowing
    there was no moon, of course
    shivering frightfulness was surrounding everywhere
    (with the help of the wicked witch
    the monster approached the trap).

    No one can explain, what happened then-
    as there was no light
    no one could witness
    the ultimate roar of the monster.

    Sadly, the dedicated monk
    sacrificed his life to prevail
    the humanity
    and hence forth
    the silent disciple become victorious.

    Sun rises smiling the next morning,
    all the darkness vanished from the dark forest
    birds were singing across all gardens
    flowers bloomed throughout the horizon
    rivers flowed towards the ocean
    and the humanity prevailed.

    The end (shortened).

    (Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.)
