is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Toast

    A toast to life
    A toast for overcoming troubles
    Raise your glasses
    Raise them high
    Life has it's problems
    But with friends like you
    Life's problems are small

    A toast to life
    A toast to friendship
    Life long friends
    New friends
    It doesn't matter
    You're all welcome into the circle
    Come laugh
    Come sing
    Come join in fellowship
    We raise our glasses to all

    A toast to life
    A toast to love
    Love is a great emotion
    Passionate and true
    True love
    Will always find a way
    Love is amazing
    Love is awesome
    Raise your glasses high
    For the love of friends
    For the love of family
    For the love of all

    A toast to life
    A toast to memories
    Laugh out loud memories
    Moments of peaceful conversations
    The birth of a child
    The graduation of a child
    Days spent at the lake
    We toast
    We raise our glasses
    For memories made at a moment
    Will last a lifetime
