is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    There is talk of love

    But why doesn’t love last?

    What is love without a kiss?

    What is compassion without true feeling?

    It’s more than just being intimate

    But the question is, can you honestly commit?

    I want love that sustains

    Fire with desire that remains

    I don’t want to hear love me today

    Then love walks away

    Love takes two hearts

    A golden paradise of essence
    The beauty in being called love birds

    Landing on the runway of solid love

    It comes later with everything else to think of

    Treat me right

    I don’t want love to become a plight

    I want my mind and soul to feel like a soothing moving stream

    Love having true meanings
    Honest, true and fulfilling

    That’s my kind of love

    Knowing I am loved and sharing love being to my personal admirer

    Eye to Eye

    I want to be that Enterprise

    Let’s go where love has never gone before

    I want our love to be sure

    I don’t want to hear ignore

    Love me like never before

    Love on and make me feel I belong

    Heart up

    Ready for Love


