is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Highschool Loser

    I love her
    She doesn't even know I am alive
    She is one of the popular ones
    I am one left in the dustpan of life

    My heart beats for her
    My blood flows for her
    I wish to be with her

    It will never happen
    We are from two different worlds
    She has her popular friends
    I have no one

    I am the one bullies always prey on
    Make fun of
    Laugh at and tease
    Beat up
    Or play mean jokes on

    I am nothing to her
    I hope
    I dream
    For the day she sees me
    And the love I have for her

    Until then
    The shadows is where I remain
    An outcast
    To love in secret
    While bullies have there mean fun
