is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Hey Tony

    Hey Tony
    This is your desk chair
    Get up man I can't breathe
    Also watch those chilies
    That was a bad fart
    You ripped off earlier
    I'll be smelling that one
    For a month at least

    Hey Tony
    This is your computer
    Nice love poem you typed up
    Is it for me
    I know you computer boys
    Like computers with big gigs

    Hey Tony
    This is your stove
    Somethings burning in here
    Dude I'm throwing up smoke here
    Get in here and turn me off
    Before the house burns down

    Hey Tony
    This is your bed
    Dude I swear if you talk in your sleep
    I will choke you with the covers
    Or smother you with a pillow
    Your keeping me up at night
