is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • The Yearning

    Your love is like a wild wind

    Always free

    Always free

    May I someday share in that love

    To feel it's freedom

    To feel it's joy


    I have loved you

    Thoughyou never knew

    My feelings I hide

    For fear

    Fear of rejection

    Fear you will hate me

    Fear of loosing a great friend


    Yet I want to be more than friends

    I yearn to be with you

    My heart cries for you

    For it wishes to join with your heart and soul

    I wish to be a part of your life

    To share your joys

    To share your pain

    To laugh with you

    To cry with you


    I love you

    Though you will never know

    Though they are just three little words

    They choke me up everytime I try to express them
