is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Bones

    The bones of the past

    They haunt me

    The blood of the past

    Spills over me like a waterfall

    The sins of the past

    Causes many tears


    I had a dream one night

    I was walking through a field of complete waste

    Bones started coming out of the ground

    Voices from these remains

    Started shouting accusing me of such shame

    As punishment I am to walk the land

    Alone until the end of time


    A stack of bone lies in the middle of the field

    The skulls start their chanting of accusation

    “You left me hungry”

    “You did not cloth me”

    “You left me out in the cold”

    On and on the accusations came without end

    Blood starts in the center of the stack and is forced outward

    Before the blood reaches me I move on


    The ghosts of my victims Float around me

    Taunting me and shouting their curses

    They throw their bones at me

    I beg for forgiveness

    However they give me none


    I woke in a pool of sweat

    Tears streaming from my face

    “I am sorry “I shout

    “I am sorry”


    Their bones forever haunt me

    Their blood seeps into my skin

    Their voices constantly scream

    I can run


    I can not hide
