is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • The Aborted Child

    Mommy, Why did you kill me

    Why did you let them take me from you

    Why did you let them rip me from your womb before it was time

    I know I was brought by


    Wrongful love affair

    Bad decision

    However I could have made you so proud of me

    I could have made you rejoice at my birth

    However you killed me and dashed my hopes


    I did nothing wrong

    I loved you mommy

    Yet you killed me

    I wanted to be your child

    I wanted to make you laugh and be joyful

    I had potential if only you gave me the chance to use it

    Yet you killed me


    I do not understand

    Please tell me did I do something wrong

    Did I cause you pain

    Why did you kill me mommy


    I love you

    Yet you let them tear us apart

    Why did you not love me as well

    I know I came through bad circumstances

    I was your child

    Your very own

    Did you not love me also

    Did you not care

    Why did you kill me mommy


