is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Realization

    The caged bird has such a great pride,
    He thinks the cage is a flowery garden.

    In his anxious mind, he looks towards the sky-
    He does not take other animal into count,
    He sings whatever comes in his own mind.

    Once someone forgot to close the cage door-
    Out of the cage he feels very proud,
    Tried to fly a little with the fragile wing in the air.

    Nah, he could not fly at ease -
    Also, no one care about it, as he did before towards them,
    He fell into a bitter conflict.

    Then, somehow coming back in the cage,
    He closed the door himself.

    Life is so easy to observe from the distance,
    It is so intricate to feel from the adjacent.
