is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Love Is

    Love is like a red, red rose

    Always lovely as it grows

    Yes there are thorns upon the stem

    Those thorns wont hurt if you let love in


    Love is like an unending vine

    Springing forth to attach your heart to mine

    Look close and you will see

    Just how much you mean to me


    Love is like a bound man free

    Free and boundless for all to see

    No longer a slave to him who kept him bound

    Once was lost but now am found


    Love is like a very fine wine

    Something that just gets sweeter with time

    As it goes and as it age

    May it last all your days


    Love is like a bird on the wing

    Free to soar upon the breeze

    Up in the skies far above

    This is a symbol of boundless love


    Love is like a story best told by two

    May it be told by me and you

    Sound so sweet and tender

    May it be perfectly rendered
